Into the Darkness
with her fingers, the length and girth. Only
    partially filled, she could hardly believe her body had gloved
    him. The smooth-as-satin texture of the skin clothing his
    cock and the warmth pulsing inside her closed fist created a
    longing that cramped her belly.
    Slowly, his cock began to fill and lift away from his body,
    growing harder, larger within her grip. Her heart thudded
    loudly in her ears. Now, he was firm enough to fuck.
    Her mouth watered as she remembered his taste, and she
    scooted down the bed to nuzzle him with her nose—just to
    breathe in his scent. Maybe that would be enough.
    into the darkness
    But the softness of the skin that clothed his rock-hard shaft
    tempted her to trail up his length with her sensitive tongue.
    When she reached the ridged cap, she couldn’t resist giving
    him a little kiss. Then she had to take him into her mouth,
    sucking, drawing on him until his sex grew even more rigid.
    Her tongue licked down the outside, tracing the fat vein
    throbbing just under the surface. When she reached his sac,
    she tilted her head and licked the inside of his shaft, all the
    way up to the ridge that circled the plump head. She squeezed
    her hand around him, noting her fingers didn’t touch, and
    licked the tip of him like an ice cream cone, lapping, swirling—until a drop of pearlescent liquid beaded in the tiny
    hole. Her tongue curved to take it, then returned to delve
    into the eyelet opening. The salty taste of his ejaculate left
    her hungrier for more.
    Soon, the hunger gnawing at her belly was replaced by a
    visceral, cramping need to feel him plunging deep inside her
    And even though she knew she was taking, again, she rose
    and straddled his hips, impaling herself on his cock. She
    worked him all the way inside her in short, bouncing strokes
    to ease him past the sore muscles, working up a creamy lather
    that soothed the hot, raw muscles of her channel.
    Still he slept under the influence of whatever drug they’d
    used to knock them out. While a niggling inner voice scolded
    her, reminding her what she did was wrong, she remembered
    how he’d felt thrusting inside her. Remorse was momentary
    in light of her overwhelming need, so she sank on him, using
    his cock to feed the hunger moistening her channel already
    rippling along his length.
    94 delilah
    Awkward at first, she found a rhythm and angle to her up
    and down strokes that built the familiar friction.
    Tentative at the start, soon she was thrusting hard against
    him, grunting softly with exertion as perspiration gathered at
    her temples and upper lip.
    He started to make waking noises and stir beneath her so
    she hurried. She gripped his shoulders when her movements
    shortened, pushed off from his chest when she needed greater
    height. Up and down, up and down—until her whole body
    tightened and her pussy burned. Her breaths grew jagged.
    Rene moved more restlessly beneath her, and her heart rate
    escalated. He wasn’t quite wakening, not yet, still in the grip
    of the drug and his dreams.
    Too far gone, she took advantage. She had to reach a climax. Closing her eyes, she leaned back and cupped her
    breasts, imagining his rougher palms squeezing them as she
    rode, jouncing hard against his hips.
    She opened her eyes, and her breath caught in her throat.
    He watched her.
    She couldn’t read his expression, but his jaw tightened,
    and his thighs trembled beneath hers. His hips lifted and he
    attempted to buck her body off. His teeth gritted as he tried
    to withhold his orgasm.
    Stubborn man. The newly discovered part of her that relished
    her role as aggressor tightened her thighs around his hips and
    held him still. She wouldn’t let him deny her release.
    When he continued to resist, she did the one thing she
    knew he wouldn’t be able to fight. She leaned over, capturing
    his wild gaze for a moment, and bit the top of his shoulder.
    “Noooo!” he groaned, and his hips lifted again, this time
    into the

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