ten days of travel from the Great Temple to the plains of Danlur. Sage Aten reported a most prosperous harvest this season, and asked me to convey his greetings to you."
    "May the winds cool his fields," Shalaron responded. A pair of servants entered from an antechamber, bearing bowls of chilled fruit and cups of lispin. He motioned for the emissary to sample the refreshment. "What news of the city of Fayn?"
    The emissary ate a norn berry and frowned. "Troubled times have come to Fayn. They neglected the bounty bestowed upon them last year. The land has turned against them, and they find themselves short of sustenance. Some have perished. Wisely, the city now seeks penance."
    Shalaron selected a berry for himself and chewed it thoughtfully. "Perhaps our Artisan of the Field may be able to offer some advice in mastering their crops. I will have him send word to them."
    "It is most generous of you to offer, great Sage."
    Further news was passed between them until the bowl of fruit was empty. The emissary drained his cup, and his face took on a troubled expression.
    "There was a dark occurrence upon our journey to your city. A day from your walls, the temple guards were attacked several times by creatures of the wild, both those of the field and those of the hunt. Even a feranal emerged under the sun and struck at us."
    Shalaron's eyes narrowed, but he did not interrupt.
    "My guards were able to destroy the creatures, for we are fortified by the power of Siath, but the attacks are worrisome. I believe that some evil power may be nesting near Ilinar. You would do well to uproot it, lest you lose the favor of the heavens."
    Bristling at the concealed rebuke, Shalaron nodded and stood, signaling an end to the audience.
    "I thank you for your courtesy, honored Sage." The emissary rose and bowed. "I shall take the tidings of Ilinar with me and continue my journey."
    "Your caravan has been supplied for the travail to Len," Shalaron told him. "Is there any other service that we may offer the Siathrak?"
    "No, my lord," the emissary intoned. "Until we meet again, may Siath show you favor." He bowed a final time and left through the temple entrance.
    Shalaron spared only a glance to ensure the emissary had left and headed for his office. The Siathrak were pompous and self-righteous, but his people needed belief to sustain themselves, so he endured the archaic rituals and the pandering attitudes. He was forced to agree with the emissary on one account, though; an unnatural presence had been tugging at his mind for the last few days.
    Walking into the office, Shalaron tossed the ornate ceremonial cloak from his shoulders with a sigh of relief. Halathas was already there waiting for him. "Was there any valuable news from the Siathrak, my lord?" he inquired.
    "Very little of consequence," Shalaron said, sitting at his table and examining a sheaf of documents. "There were animal attacks near the city. Have the guards keep a thorough watch for anything nearby. What do you have to report of the city itself?"
    "Business proceeds as usual. The yield from the farms continues to be high, and the excess food is being prepared and stored with no difficulty. I do have one event of note, however. Some of the townsfolk overheard a discussion this morning regarding the admittance of an injured stranger last night."
    Shalaron's gaze sharpened. "A stranger?"
    Halathas nodded. "I questioned the western guards about the report," he continued. "They verified that Nathalion's pupil found a young man who had suffered heavy injury from an animal attack. They rendered assistance in moving him to Varlath's home for care."
    "What city was he from?"
    "The guards did not know, as the stranger was unconscious before they were able to ask."
    Shalaron threaded his fingers together and lapsed into thought. "This bears investigating. Cancel my afternoon audience. I will look into this myself."
    Halathas crossed his arms and paused before speaking. "Though I am distressed to

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