Insatiable Craving: 2 (Insatiable Nights)

Insatiable Craving: 2 (Insatiable Nights) by Rosalie Stanton

Book: Insatiable Craving: 2 (Insatiable Nights) by Rosalie Stanton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosalie Stanton
Tags: Erótica
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breath. “We won’t know until we know, you know?”
    She snorted and her hand fell to her side. “Great. Clear as mud. Now—”
    “Now I’m gonna split.”
    “I told Ginny I’d head over after we closed down.” Razor hopped off the stage and began a heated stride toward the door. “Do me a favor and—”
    “My life is nothing but one revolving favor for you, is it?”
    “Glad you see things my way.”
    “I swear—”
    “I’m just taking your advice,” he called over his shoulder. “You wanted me to find a girl and unwind.”
    “Remind me never to give you advice again.”
    “When have I ever been able to stop you?” He paused at the door but didn’t turn around. If he turned around, Aria’s cow eyes would speak to his conscience and he’d magically forget that she was the number one cause of each headache he’d had in recent years. Love her though he did, Aria’s nose perpetually found itself in his business, and he had no intention of letting her guilt him now.
    Not now, when Ginny waited for him at her apartment.
    Still, the part of him that wasn’t a complete asshole refused to budge another inch until he said, “Thanks, Aria.”
    A beat, two beats, then, “Yeah, yeah.”
    He grinned and pushed his way out the door and into the night.
    * * * * *
    Ginny wasn’t true to her word. The instant she stepped into her apartment, the buzz that had kept her going promptly evaporated. It had been long enough since she’d had sex that she hadn’t anticipated her body’s exhausted crash, and didn’t make it five feet inside her apartment before the world shut down around her. Her eyes became heavy and the adrenaline upon which she’d feasted dropped unceremoniously out of range. She was a zombie. There was no way she’d be able to stay up late enough to talk or—more likely—take him into her body again.
    Not that she planned on doing that last thing, but given how every inch of her skin buzzed after leaving him—given the heat in his eyes and the unmistakable erection in his pants—sex was definitely on tonight’s schedule. Never mind her legs were sore and her body felt tender—never mind muscles she hadn’t used in years were screaming in protest at the thought of another round.
    Ginny sighed and tossed her purse onto the couch. She needed to stay awake. She also needed to shower, as she figured she smelled to high heaven of sweat and sex, and neither of those things sounded too appealing after passions had cooled. Perhaps she would draw herself a nice bubble bath and relax, let the water tend to her sore muscles until Razor showed up to sore them up all over again.
    It sounded like as good a plan as any, and since it was her only one, she decided to run with it. After a quick shower to wash her hair, she drew herself a hot bath and tossed in the last of her lavender-scented bubbles.
    It had been a long while since Ginny had chosen this form of relaxation. In college she had drawn herself one at least three times a week, usually as a reward for completing a paper or acing a test. She’d light a candle, pour herself a glass of wine, grab the latest romance to hit the shelves and submerge into the cliché without a care in the world. After Travis, bubble baths seem to lose their ability to relax her. She felt vulnerable and exposed when she should feel serene.
    Whatever Razor had restored in her sex drive had seemingly bled over into some other areas. After scrubbing her skin thoroughly and soaking for a few blissful moments, Ginny’s eyes began to grow heavy. She yawned and splashed some water on her face—soap and all—but exhaustion had seeped into her skin, curling around her bones as though it were an old lover. Sleep remained out of the question if Razor was on his way over but, she reasoned after losing a few battles with her eyelids, resting her eyes wouldn’t hurt. It wasn’t as though she’d fall asleep. Not in the tub, at least.
    Later, she’d

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