Ink (The Haven Series)

Ink (The Haven Series) by Torrie McLean

Book: Ink (The Haven Series) by Torrie McLean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Torrie McLean
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blankly, wondering if anyone ever really fell for her shit. She was like a fucking shark with that fake smile, all white teeth and just hell-bent on eating you for breakfast.
    “The hard way it is then,” Hunt answered her own question, the smile never faltering.
    Trying to relax in the knowledge that Colton had wanted her there, that even as he was dragged off by the cops he’d remembered her waiting for him, Callie forced herself to accept her lot for the night.
    Kicking off her heels and running a hand through her hair, she wandered over to the chair and poked through the t-shirts thrown on it, picking out a clean white one with FALLEN stamped on the front. Quickly shimmying out of her shorts and top, she pulled the soft material over her head and inhaled the faint scent of its owner underneath the fresh laundry smell, before padding to the tiny ensuite bathroom to rinse off her make-up and then returning to the huge double bed.
    Clean sheets. Thank god.
    Curling up beneath the covers, she closed her eyes and tried not to wonder how many other women had been there before her. Even though she had in fact been there once before herself – passed out from the sight of blood didn’t count.
    She didn’t know why it even bothered her. She knew what the club guys were like, how it worked. Maybe that was the trade-off – you risked your life on a fairly regular basis, so you got to sleep your way through the town’s female population ...
    It wasn’t like she was expecting anything from Colton. So she was attracted to him – she was attracted to Johnny Depp too and she wasn’t looking to marry him. That said, she did realise Mr Depp hadn’t been the one to curl a finger through the belt-loop of her shorts and tug her into a mind-blowing kiss that somehow turned into a full-on make-out session against the wall of the clubhouse ... No, sir.
    Colton had obviously just decided that he’d gotten bored of club skanks and what was that old saying? A change is as good as a rest? Bored he might have been, but he wasn’t ultimately going to turn his back on a plentiful supply of pussy for the sake of the chick who usually inked him.
    And for her to give up stability, a man who - much as it pained her – loved her, all for an outlaw biker with no intention of ever settling down, would just be ridiculous. Crazy to even think of.
    But if she knew all that ... then why did Callie still get a shiver down her spine at the thought of him returning?
    She could feel all the guilt she wanted when Michael crossed her mind, it didn’t change the fact that all she really longed for was to be back in Colton’s arms. Knowing if he slid into bed right now and kissed her again, everything else would just … disappear.
    “This really isn’t getting us anywhere ...” the agent said brightly, but between gritted teeth. The cracks beginning to show. So much for her plan to get the jump on him before the club’s latest snake of a lawyer arrived to wriggle the pair of biker bastards right off her hook. “If you were to co-operate, you see, we could come to some kind of ... arrangement ...”
    The tip of her impossibly high-heeled patent leather shoe grazed his leg and he arched an eyebrow in response.
    “Your blonde friend was much more receptive, I have to say,” Hunt said casually, that same air of suggestion lingering over her words. She wasn’t going to tell him Sam’s receptiveness had extended to kicking his boots up on the edge of the table and challenging her to blow him, all with a cocky arrogance that got right under her skin. As he had no doubt intended.
    But to her irritation, the smirk on Colton’s face made it fairly probable he already knew exactly how his brother would handle her approach to things.
    “Ah, Veronica,” came the sudden interruption, as the door flew  open. One suited and booted man entered, swiftly followed by two protesting cops. “Keeping it in your pants, I hope? Nice try, by the way –

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