Infinity Unleashed
notorious liars.
    Torch scoffed. “Black market? Bullshit. I wouldn’t be surprised if that bloodsucker Alik was behind this. Everyone knows he’d sell out the entire vampire race if it meant getting Cortez’s throne.” He looked over at Boulder. Boulder knew exactly what he was thinking. It wasn’t a coincidence that Alik showed up at the underground garage, trying to snatch Infinity after the vampire attack. Alik wanted something, and Boulder knew Infinity was at the center of it.
    Torch looked at Boulder. “How close is Tate to finding a RejuvX antidote?”
    “Close. The trials on wolves netted solid results. The next steps are trials on humans, then on the team.” Boulder sighed tiredly. “However, there is one minor issue. The antidote must be injected into the bloodstream within twelve minutes to counteract the RejuvX damage. Tate’s having some technical difficulties with coming up with a faster delivery system.”
    Torch arched a brow. “Minor issue? That’s a major damn issue, Boulder.”
    Boulder gritted his teeth. “It’s a minor issue, Torch. I’ve been working with Tate to fix it. We should get it resolved shortly.” He had no shame that he was a science geek at heart, so when Tate, a scientific genius and wolf-shifter, offered him the opportunity to go into business with him, he jumped at starting a small research and development medical manufacturing company. The company’s original mission was to develop a generic drug version of the Vampire Collective’s Rejuvenator, cutting into the vampire’s monopoly and profit, but that mission quickly changed with the unexpected emergence of the deadly RejuvX bullet.
    Torch said, “Better get it resolved soon. I have a feeling we’re running out of time.”
    Boulder had that feeling too. It would only be a matter of time before they were dragged into Javier’s war or worse, Mason got his hands on the bullets, making getting Infinity back even more dangerous.
    Torch’s cell beeped signaling a text message. He looked at it. “That’s Kara. She’s downstairs. Wyatt’s escorting her up,” he growled.
    The elevator slid open to reveal Wyatt and Kara. All eyes focused on the svelte blond-haired woman, now cleaned up, looking like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Boulder’s wolf growled with distaste. He never liked the Valkyrie. She was sneaky and pompous, and he knew she was hiding something very important.
    Kara looked from Boulder to Torch with a smirk. “Tough crowd. No love for the Valkyrie I see,” she said while strolling through like she owned the place.
    Boulder’s hands clenched and unclenched. He was so done with her coy games. “Explain!” he barked.
    Kara’s violet eyes flashed. “Explain what, shifter?”
    Boulder rolled his neck to relieve the tension. He needed to know how much she knew about Azura and his tie to the High Council. “Cut the bullshit, Kara. Why is she so important to the Degrassi pride?”
    She looked around the room cautiously.
    “They’re all cleared. Anything that you say in this room stays in this room.” Torch snarled.
    Kara pursed her lips with displeasure written all over her face. “I don’t know.”
    Boulder was losing his patience. “I swear, Kara, I’ll kick you the hell out if you continue lying to me.” He prowled up to her, towering over her. “Now, let’s try this again. Why is she so important?”
    Her mask of tranquility cracked. He could smell her fear. It must be serious to shake the unshakable Valkyrie. Testing his theory, he nodded toward the elevator. “Get the hell out. Fuck you and the New York Council. We’ll attack the compound on our own.”
    Kara’s fists clenched. “You’re a damn bastard. You know that, right?”
    “The truth, Kara,” he snapped.
    “Fine, you win!” she said while raking her fingers through her long blond hair. “Maxim is not Infinity’s father.”
    “What the hell are you talking about? You said he was. Besides, she has his

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