Infinite Desire
my head and rolling my eyes at him, I walk across the bathroom and grab some
towels from the linen closet. I quickly get to
work lighting the candles around the tub and dim the lights before running back
into the bedroom to grab my iPod. When I reenter the bathroom, I turn on the
iPod, scroll through my playlist and stop when I get to Blake Shelton’s, God
Gave Me You . Clicking play, I walk over to the tub and climb in sliding
between Kayden’s legs. Laying my head against his chest, I allow the song,
along with the beating of his heart to consume me. The words dancing around the
bathroom speaks volumes for us without either of us having to speak a word.
our fingers together in the water, Kayden flutters kisses along my neck,
stopping momentarily to nibble on my ear lobe, “I thank God every day,
Savannah, for giving me you.” A single tear falls down my cheek, as the words
Kayden just said sink in.
too.” I whisper, lifting our left hands that are entwined together. I press a
loving kiss to his knuckles, and stare at my ring sparkling in the candle
light. “Marry me?” I ask, turning my head to look up at him.
already asked you.” He laughs into my hair.
know, but now I’m asking you. Kayden Johnathan-Douglas Knox, will you marry
our fingers still laced together, Kayden wraps his arms around me and hugs me
tightly against his chest. I giggle as I feel his cock quickly coming back to
life against my butt. “Baby, I’d marry you today if you wanted to. All I want
is to be able to finally call you my wife.” He drawls with his lips against my
ear, and his warm breath against my skin.
shiver in his arms, as his words hit me. I want that more than anything in this
entire world. I want…no, I need to be his wife. To forever be bound
together as one.
take in a sharp breath, turn around and straddle Kayden’s hips. Pressing one
hand over his heart, and the other against his cheek, I peer into his eyes. I
want him to hear my words, but to also feel them.
don’t care if we get married tonight by a guy impersonating Elvis or by a preacher
in Texas several months from now. The only thing I care about is becoming your
wife. I love you with my entire heart. I got scared, and ran the second things
got rocky…but I now know I was wrong to ever doubt you. You love me Kayden; flaws
and all. You love me, and I love you. I’m going to spend the rest of our lives
making it up to you. So just tell me, Kayden: the when, the where, and the
time. I’ll be there by your side to say my vows and pledge my heart to you
before God, because I’ll only truly feel whole once my name is Savannah
Elizabeth Knox.”
giving him the option to speak, I kiss his lush lips, drinking them in, showing
with my mouth how much I need him. I need his kiss, like I need my next breath.
Opening his mouth, he allows my tongue access. Gently our tongues entwine,
causing my entire body to erupt in a flare of burning desire once again.
his hands along my back, he moans into my mouth. I move my body, finding his
cock and slowly sliding on to it. Gripping my hips, Kayden lifts me up and down
along his massive length. Pulling his mouth away from mine, he leaves me
yearning for his lips, as he trails hungry, passion filled kisses along the
swell of my breasts.
spend the next several hours making love. Each time slowly erases the pain they
we’ve caused, and replaces it with our love and desire for one another.
collapsing at almost four a.m. wrapped in his
arms, I drift off into a peaceful sleep. This last week has been a whirlwind of
emotions, but all the pain and heartache is worth it, as long as when the day
is over I have Kayden by my side.

Chapter Seven
is more amazing than waking up in Kayden’s arms. If it was up to me, we’d stay
in bed all day making up for lost time. But our plane is scheduled to leave the
tarmac at one p.m. and it’s already

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