Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC)

Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC) by Brair Lake

Book: Inferno & The Good Girl:  (Brothers of Devils Comfort MC) by Brair Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brair Lake
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    “ No
listen, I haven ’ t finished yet.”

a deep breath, I continue with my story.

    “ When
I first started college, I enjoyed the life. I was going to forget
all about you. So I went to a few parties. Met other men. Yet, when
they tried to kiss me, your image came into my head, ruining the
moment. I am convinced you were using some kind of mojo on me. I
could barely stand their touch. So it became easier for me to start
avoiding the parties. I threw myself into my studies and job.
Josie, the girl who shared my dorm room, would have to listen while I
told her stories about you. Sitting
late at night as we made plans for our future. Josie was to be my
bridesmaid and you were to be the groom. We were eighteen so young;
life was in front of us.“ as an after thought “You would
have liked her.”

    “ When
do I get to meet her?”

his question as I continue, This is not easy for me. “The
college shooter was Josie’s boyfriend.” Besides me,
Inferno’s body stiffens. “He was a great guy. He
changed slowly over the year. As the stress began to effect him, he
started to act strange. He accused Josie of cheating on him, but she
never did. The week leading up to the shooting, she had not seen him.
T hen he came to class and accused her having an
affair with the professor, Before he shot her and the others. As he
shot at Josie, I got caught up in the cross fire. She died in my
arms, as he shot himself.

    “ The
next thing I know , I’m waking up in hospital and attached to
all these tubes and monitors. Dad is there and I’ve missed the

    “ Fuck
baby, why didn ’ t you ring me, why was
I not informed?”

I hug Inferno closer, his arm is squeezes me, as though he is trying
to merge my body with his.

    “ I
didn ’ t want you to know. With no
Josie, there was not going to be a wedding. She was the one, who
encouraged me. She was my rock. After Josie died, I lost it. I never
left the dorm unless I had to. I could not sleep. When I was alone,
I started to drink. No one knew. When I was in class, the other
students either avoided me, or blamed me. My studying and work
started to suffer. I didn’t care.”

    “ Honey
you should have rung me, you shouldn ‘ t
have gone through this alone .”

    “ Anyway,
at first I started to miss a couple of lessons. Before long, my
shifts at work started to suffer. One night I was late for a shift,
and the manager ’ s wife was there,
waiting for me. It was their anniversary and because I was late,
they missed their dinner reservation. She tore into me, calling me
selfish and not caring about others. The next thing I know, I am
telling her everything.

I kneel , I lean over him, intently “Everything, Inferno, which
includes you and that disaster of a weekend. She sat there and
listened, She did not pass judgment on my actions. She helped to find
me an AAA group and become my sponsor. If it was not for her, I
would not be where I am today. I got my life back on track, went to
the meeting and never dated. Do you know why I never dated? Because
although I had not made the promise to you. I had to myself. Inferno
I ’ m your good girl and I think, no, I
know, you’ve ruined me for anyone else.”

a deep breath, I have not finished yet, there’s more to tell

    “ When
you was shot last month it scared me Inferno. All I could see that
day. was Josie ’ s blood. In my head, I
kept going over what had happened . And you was not there. You left
me when I needed you.” By now the tears are falling down my

leans over me, as he pushes me on the blanket. With a gentle kiss.

    “ Baby
Blu, I love you. I don ’ t know what
the future holds. We take each day as it comes. I will not apologize
for that day, because I cannot. I was mad. You had been hurt, and
your hurt was hurting me. The issue had to be resolved, it was. If I
had to do it again, I will.”

me again, we start to collect

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