
Indomitable by W. C. Bauers

Book: Indomitable by W. C. Bauers Read Free Book Online
Authors: W. C. Bauers
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strangely. Sergeant Maxi was standing opposite Go-Mi and read her expression, started to laugh, and raised a hand to his face to clear his throat. “She goes easy on her Mules, Staff Sergeant. Actually, Stevie is her first issue—her one and only—and that was six standard years ago. The two are attached at the hip.”
    â€œI’m rather proud of that fact, Sergeant,” Promise said with an edge that didn’t match the twinkle in her eyes.
    â€œI know, ma’am,” said Maxi, who turned and winked at Promise.
    â€œWow, I’m on my seventh Mule with twelve standard years in the service,” said Staff Sergeant Go-Mi. “Ma’am, with all due respect, is Stevie humping your gear or is it the other way around?”
    â€œTold you,” Maxi said.
    â€œAnd Sergeant Sindri is on his sixth Mule and it only took him six years to beat the living daylights out of the first five,” quipped Promise.
    â€œWhat?” Maxi said with perfect innocence. “Mechs were designed to grunt it out for us.”
    â€œDidn’t the Corps put you on notice? Next one is on you if it doesn’t last through Christmas, right?” Promise said.
    â€œThanks, Lieutenant. Thanks a lot.”
    â€œThat’s why I’m here, Sergeant.”
    The gunny’s sigh brought the conversation to a halt. “All right, boys and girls, shall we get on with it?”
    Promise nodded. “The gunny’s right. We drop tomorrow and we’re dropping into blue space.”
    â€œThis just gets better and better,” replied Gunnery Sergeant Ramuel.
    â€œCome now, Tomas. You aren’t afraid of a bath, are you?”
    â€œI don’t like the idea of not being able to swim. Mechsuits don’t have fins, ma’am. They don’t float either.”
    â€œI know, which is why, before I was so rudely interrupted, I brought this.” Promise held up the box that her Mule had humped over for her. She set it on the table, cracked the top, and pulled out a metallic disk that looked like a giant-sized egg separator. “This is a multidirectional hydrodisk.”
    The gunny looked unconvinced.
    Promise set the disk on the table and activated it. For a moment nothing happened. A soft hum grew into a ramping sound followed by several clicks. Four rungs deployed and the disk enlarged to twice the size it had been moments ago. “The handholds and outer ring make up the M-HYD’s base.” Promise grabbed both to demonstrate. “The inner circle is tethered to four retractable tow cables. When deployed underwater, the M-HYD’s forward assist advances several meters ahead of the user, and generates propulsion. We will slave these to our AIs. All we have to do is hold on while they pull us through the water.”
    Staff Sergeant Go-Mi cocked her head. “Ma’am, I would love to know how you got your hands on forty M-HYDs without tipping your hand. Tomorrow’s assault will be carefully monitored and those are not standard issue.”
    â€œThat is a superb question, Staff Sergeant. Turns out some brass will be monitoring our drop too.” All eyes were on her now, wide as saucers. “Sergeant Sindri, would you care to answer the staff sergeant’s question?”
    â€œYes, ma’am.” Maxi turned to Staff Sergeant Go-Mi. He made a show of stretching to his full height and grew uncharacteristically serious.
    â€œThe explanation you seek, Staff Sergeant, won’t be found in the good old RAW-MC.”
    â€œYou went off-grid.”
    â€œI would never, Staff Sergeant. I simply went off-base and into town. Deep Sea Six was having a sale on thermal suits and rebreathers, and ten percent off everything else.”
    â€œAnd you blew all your pay,” Promise said.
    Maxi looked guilty as charged, and shrugged. “Um, DSS really does have everything. You should see the place. The cathedral ceiling is breathtaking, with a top-rate

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