Indivisible (Overlooked by Liberty)

Indivisible (Overlooked by Liberty) by Blair Smith Page B

Book: Indivisible (Overlooked by Liberty) by Blair Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Blair Smith
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States been so imperiled that the Federal Government found it befitting to thwart those threats by force.  In the mid-1800s, our forefathers fought against the injustice of slavery, to preserve this nation we call the United States.
           Last week, in the outback of New Hampshire, armed hooligans killed thirty-two National Guards in a bloody shoot-out.  The next day, terrorists from the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont attacked and killed twenty-seven more.  Again, there comes a time in our existence as a nation to defend our laws, our union.
           As President of the United States, I took an oath to uphold the law.  I am bound to preserve this union of states, and I will do so vigorously.  I will do so forthrightly, with all the militias and regular military at my disposal.  The tragedy at Dixville must not linger.  The tiny town of Colebrook and the surrounding region are held captive by thugs.  I intend to free those citizens in the Northeast and destroy the gangs gripping the region."
           Journalists in the Press Room stood and applauded instinctively.  Chief of Staff Lucas Bennett, Vice President Margaret Sorenson, and Secretary of Defense Kyle Paz stood directly behind Winifred and clapped conservatively.  An unenthusiastic exception was Steve Morrison of Spectator News; he stood complacently and stared.  Nancy Atherton sat in her usual pose and applauded accordingly.
           "Martial Law has been enacted during the last two years of this administration.  I will be extending Martial Law and asking for a vote of support from the House and Senate to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, so the Armed Forces can move quickly in this matter.  The military may detain suspects without due process for the safety of the public."  The President cleared his throat and looked away from the teleprompter to his audience.  "This act has the support of the American people.  No region of the country should be exempt from taxation or regulations at the expense of another."
           The room erupted again, with reporters raising their hands for questions.  "Yes.  Ms. Atherton."
           "Mr. President, what started the shooting in Colebrook?"
           Clifford glanced down at his pocket computer on the podium, "A Guard attempted to question two boys about a package they were carrying.  One of the boys stabbed the Guard with a knife.  The local militia up there are apparently using children as couriers.  When the Guards tried to capture the two for questioning, shooting erupted.  The crime syndicate in Colebrook took no prisoners.  They call themselves the Covenant and they're well armed and well organized.  One more thing: In subsequent fighting, a well-trained, tactical squad inflicted many casualties in a raid on an armament cache in Lancaster, New Hampshire.  Raids by this group forced the Guard out of the region."
           Nancy Atherton raised her hand again, requesting, "Follow-up, please," as other reporters jiggled around her like fleas.
           "Ms. Atherton."
           "When will you regain control, and how many casualties are we willing to take in the process?"
           "We aren't willing to take any casualties, Ms. Atherton.  But we will minimize deaths by using overwhelming force.  What the Guard didn't have in the North Country was heavy armaments.  When we go back, it will be in full force with air support."
           "Here, Mr. President.  Here.  Mr. President.  Mr. President."  A cacophony of voices resounded throughout the room.
           "Ms. Kristen Mallory from TBS News."
           Kristen shook her head and swayed her blond hair out of her eyes.  She briefly glanced at Steve Morrison before she spoke.  "Why did the Colebrook smugglers use depleted uranium bullets--more commonly called tank-killers--against Pack 220 in the Dixville Massacre, but not one bullet of this type was used against the Guard in New

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