
Indignation by Celinda Santillan

Book: Indignation by Celinda Santillan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celinda Santillan
wronged him, not the other way around. He grabs her wrist and pushes her back against the wall. “You don’t remember 1567?” He asks her.
    “What? What are you talking about? This isn’t the time for a history lesson.” She stares at him in confusion. She wipes her face clean from the smudged makeup.
    Julian’s eyes bore into hers. “1567 is the year you stabbed me to death.”

    Alyssa opens her eyes. Her eyes narrow to the blurry objects that surround her.
    “Hey, are you alright?”
    Her eyes focus on the figure that looms over her. It takes a couple of seconds before she can make out Jim standing over her. “Jim?”
    “I’m guessing you had a hangover last night?” He asked. “Here take this.” He hands her a glass of water and a small white pill.
    “Thanks.” She swallows them both without much of a fight.
    “Do you want to tell me what happened last night?”
    “I don’t remember.”
    Jim takes a seat next to her on her bed. “Really because it had to be something unforgettable since I had to open the door to Julian carrying you.”
    “Julian? Are you sure?”
    “He didn’t say much. He just said that he was going to take you to your room and then take your car.” He explains.
    She sits up abruptly. “He took me car?” She regrets her movement when her head spins. “Ow.”
    “Just lay down for a while.” He suggests. “Your car is parked in the garage. He must have brought it back earlier in the morning.”
    “So do you remember what happened?”
    Alyssa frowns. What did happen? That when the memoires of the previous night rushed into her mind like a vision. She remembers dancing with Ian. Then Julian appeared and dragged her to the alley. He kissed her. Then he told her something. What was it? What did he tell her that was so important?
    “You remember, don’t you?” She nods. “Do you want to talk about it?” She shakes her head. “Do you want me to call Brandon?”
    “No, I’m fine. I’m just tired.”
    He presses his lips to her forehead. “Alright. I’ll let you sleep.” She grabs his hand before he’s out of reach. “What’s wrong?” He asks her.
    “Lay down with me? Please?”
    Jim lies down beside her. His arms feel good as they wrap around her waist. Without much thought her eyes close. Sleep takes over her almost instantly, but a number appears before her dream does. 1567.
    Julian stares at the Gem of Nephthys. The edges are rough, but the surface is smooth. The dark green color has specks of light green shaping around the stone. The stone is about two inches wide. He gently places the stone inside the heart shaped locket. This will hide the stone from view. He hides the necklace inside the mirror. A gift from the Goddess Caledonia herself.
    His phone vibrates. He answers it as he closes the small portal hidden between the glasses of the mirror.
    “What’s going on Miranda?”
    “Gabriel knows. He has heard that you told Alyssa the truth about your fall.”
    “I don’t think she remembers.”
    “That is not of importance. He has a meeting with the God. They are deciding on plans of action towards her.”
    “What are they planning on doing to her?”
    “I do not know Julian, but it must be life changing. The God never conducts a meeting without importance.”
    He runs his fingers through his hair, a habit he’s learned from Alyssa. “What do I do?”
    “Nothing. All we can do is wait.”
    He paces back and forth. How will he stop the form a punishment for her? What will they do to her?
    Alyssa feels a tug on her arm. “Wake up, Aly.”
    “Five more mintues Brady.”
    She can feel the covers being removed from her body. “No, now get up.”
    She opens her eyes reluctantly. “Why are you waking me up?”
    “Jim and I are going to go out.”
    “Boys night out? Why am I not invited?” She groans from the florescent light being turned on by Jim.
    “We don’t want you to

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