Indestructible Desire
a player with a capital P. She is just as bad, so the two of them together screams disaster. Only thing I can think of is she’s enjoying the thrill of the chase, and sees Dixon as a fun challenge.
    Or I could be wrong and maybe they actually are both perfect for each other, and possibly be the ones to make each other happy. Only time will tell I guess. I just hope Jax doesn’t get hurt in the process because he really is an amazing person.
    Kayden’s persistent nibbling on my neck snaps my attention back to him, and away from my thoughts of Brooklyn. “I can’t believe you’re not trying to torture the information outta me, baby.”
    Wiggling on his lap, trying to escape Kayden’s embrace, I can’t stop giggling. He’s tickling my side and kissing my neck, driving me absolutely crazy.
    “I’m trying to be a good girl and wait for my surprise.” I can’t help but laugh again as a look of shock crosses Kayden’s face.
    Raising an eyebrow at me, Kayden finally utters a few words as he comes out of his moment of shock. “What the hell?” He starts poking at my face and playing with my hair as he looks me over. “Who are you? And what did you do with my pain in the ass, zero patience, and always finding a reason to be naughty girlfriend?!”
    “Haaaa, will you stop!” Slapping his bicep, I’m distracted momentarily as I take in his delicious body as it glistens in the sun. Man, did I hit the jackpot with him or what? Kayden is everything a woman could wish for: funny, romantic, smokin' hot and sexy without even trying. He's all of these things and then some, rolled into one delicious package. It's like I crawled into a Sylvia Day book and pulled this magnificent man from a fantasy, and he's now my reality; a pinch-myself-daily kind of reality. “I’m turning over a new leaf! I’m trying to enjoy the suspense and excitement of the unknown.” I say, making my voice all spooky and mysterious.
    “What the fuck?!” Dixon blurts out as he slaps his knee and laughs a deep husky chuckle. “I swear when you hit your head, it did somethin’ to ya, Savannah. I’ve only known you a few weeks, but I know you enough to understand you and enjoying the suspense of the unknown .” He says mockingly with hand quotes, “Is a bunch of B.S.! I bet you’re exploding inside with excitement, doing all you can to contain yourself from pinning Kayden down and torturing it outta him!”
    Brooklyn and Jax decide to chime in and all laugh at the fact I‘m not beating the surprise out of Kayden. “Ha ha, laugh it up you douches, but seriously! I’m telling the truth! Sure, it’s killing me, but I’m trying to be patient for Kayden.”
    “Well ya’ll can stop now because we’re here.” Kayden says, powering off the boat as he pulls up to a dock. There’s a sign above a little tiki shack that boasts Crystal’s Cove. As soon as we all step onto the dock, a woman who look’s to be in her early forties, with a short blonde pixie cut and large brown eyes approaches us. She’s dressed in water shoes and a wetsuit and guessing from her tan, I would say she spends a lot of time in the sun.
    Extending her hand out to Kayden she gives him a warm smile and introduces herself. “Hi, I’m Crystal. Owner of Crystal’s Cove. You must be…Kayden?”
    “Yes, ma’am. I’m so grateful for you agreeing to doing this for us. As you understand, privacy is key, so you closing down your business for a few hours to accommodate us is greatly appreciated.”
    “Well, it’s my pleasure. Now let’s not just stand around here! Follow me to the shack and everyone can get into their wetsuits.”
    Walking out of the dressing room, I take in the tiki shack. It’s got a rustic feel, with the building being made out of dark wood and a grass style roof. There‘s tons of old school surfing posters on the walls and Rum memorabilia all over. One photo I love is blown up on the wall above her

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