Incubus of Bourbon Street
taking in the linen pants, button-down shirt, and her dark hair slicked back into a severe ponytail. She looked like Pyper, but her clothes sure didn’t, and her emotional signature was all but gone. I stepped back, putting a bit of distance between us. “What’s going on?”
    Her brow furrowed in what appeared to be concern. “What do you mean? The dancer?” She glanced up at the entertainer and smiled. “She’s an illusionist. Amazing, isn’t she? Look at how she’s playing the crowd.”
    An illusionist would explain the lack of wire. I wished I could’ve tapped into her emotional energy when I’d had my guard down, but I couldn’t with so many people around. “She’s impressive.”
    “Yeah. She’s new. She just started. Tonight’s her first performance. You might want to stick around and check it out.” Pyper glanced up at her and then waved as she walked off. “See you later.”
    What in the world…?
    “Pyper!” I called and went after her as she headed to the back. But the crowd swallowed her up, and I lost her. Why hadn’t she been affected by the energy like everyone else in the room? And why was she dressed like an office pod person?
    I pushed through the crowd, ignoring the sinking feeling in my gut that there was much more to the supposed illusionist flying through the air above us all. I had to get to Kane. Please let him be here.
    When I finally got to the office door, I barged in, not even bothering to knock.
    “Jade?” Kane dropped the pen he’d been clutching and stood. “What is it?”
    I pushed the door closed and crossed the room. “Have you seen Pyper?”
    “No. Not at all today. Why?”
    I waved a hand toward the door. “She was just out there dressed in office wear. It was really weird.”
    He frowned at me as if I was speaking an entirely different language. “Was she acting strangely?”
    I shook my head. “No. I guess not. She just… I dunno, she seemed not quite herself.”
    “It’s a crazy night out there.” His lips quirked up into a ghost of a smile.
    “Right. About that.” I flopped into the chair in front of his desk. “I think you might want to close down for the night. It’s getting too dangerous.”
    His tiny smile vanished. “How so? We have extra security. So far, no one has gotten out of line.”
    “That’s good, but the potential is bubbling just beneath the surface. The sexual tension that’s luring them here isn’t safe. What if someone goes too far? And have you seen the crowd out there? They’re all smashed together transfixed by the new dancer.”
    “What new dancer?” He was halfway across the office before I caught up to him.
    Cutting him off, I placed my hand on his chest. “The illusionist. You didn’t know about her?”
    “Illusionist? What?” He stared over my shoulder, clearly needing to see for himself what I was talking about.
    Pyper used to manage the club, but that was Charlie’s job now and Pyper usually just helped out when they were shorthanded. Why did she know about the new dancer and Kane didn’t? Something other than the energy in the club was very off.
    “Excuse me.” Kane stepped around me and opened the office door.
    Immediately the atmosphere shifted. I couldn’t see what it was, but even with my guard up I felt it deep in my bones. Magic crackled at my fingertips as I ran after Kane.
    He came to an abrupt halt just as he stepped through the threshold.
    “Oh my Goddess,” I whispered, coming to a stop beside him. All of the patrons had turned and were staring at him as if they were transfixed.
    And the illusionist just floated above everyone, waiting.
    Everything about the scene gave me the creeps. I stepped in front of Kane, trying to tamp down my magic for fear I’d unleash it on someone unintentionally. But then the illusionist focused on Kane, her facial expression full of unadulterated rage. She flung her arms out in front of her and dove, flying straight for us.
    I spread my arms wide as I called,

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