Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1)

Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1) by Teal Haviland

Book: Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1) by Teal Haviland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teal Haviland
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that’s all. She doesn’t seem to be all that powerful, though.”
    Phalen stared at Gabrielle for a minute, not backing down from Gabrielle’s gaze, with clearly readable disbelief that she was getting the entire story. “Uh huh …”
    Gabrielle liked Phalen. She had guts. She was one of the only angels Gabrielle had ever met that wasn’t intimidated by her position. Phalen respected and admired her powers and abilities—that much she made clear—but she showed nothing of being timorous in her eyes or demeanor.
    Phalen prodded further. “Are you going to tell me what’s really up? Or am I going to have to figure it out on my own?” She waited for several seconds to tick off the clock, then continued. “Because as we just confirmed, I’m a very perceptive type of gal, and I will figure it out.”
    Gabrielle sighed, wondering how much to tell Phalen. How much can I trust her?
    “You can trust me, Gabrielle.”
    Gabrielle looked at her and smiled.
    “Stop doing that, Phalen.”
    “Can’t. It’s in my nature. Stop thinking without blocking what’s going on in your noggin.” Phalen replied with a smirk.
    “Fine. I will.” Gabrielle smirked back. After a long pause, and another long stare-off between the two friends, Gabrielle told Phalen what was going on. She started at the beginning and left nothing out, divulging her little secret that had turned into a huge dilemma.
    She wanted to be with a human. At least, that was what her human body and emotions were making her believe she wanted. Which one it really was, her true desire or one created because of her human body, she didn’t know for sure. She did know that if she made the choice to be with Lucas, if that was ever even something that would present itself as an option, it would mean joining the ranks of the Fallen. It was completely forbidden by the laws Yahuwah set in place for all angels. She would not be forgiven. He destroyed life on Earth once already because of the many angels who had disobeyed that law.
    When Gabrielle finished, Phalen stared off into the distance as she let the implications sink in. When she spoke, she still focused on the same unseen thing she’d been looking at through the silence.
    “Wow, Gabrielle … I mean … just … wow .”
    “Yeah. Wow .”
    “You say something’s different … or, off , about Lucas. Like what?” Phalen finally focused her eyes back on Gabrielle.
    Now Gabrielle fixated on something in the distance only she could see as she thought back to the conversation she and Lucas had as the rain pummeled her car. She’d seen him later at lunch and in the class they shared. He walked her as far as he could to her next class and later, after school, they’d chatted for a few minutes, but there seemed to be something between them now. Something unseen but definitely interfering with the ease they’d had together the day before and for the first part of the conversation that morning. There was a wall building, but was it hers or his?
    Or are both of us piling on the stones?
    She was sure at least part of it was her. She’d had a moment in the car, knowing that being with him was absolutely not the right thing to do, that it would have only one end—a heartbreaking one.
    Gabrielle realized Phalen was still waiting for an answer. She took a breath, then began to explain.
    “I was speaking Enochian to myself this morning when he was in the car with me, scolding myself in a come to my senses moment.” She glanced at Phalen and saw a little relief in her eyes. “Don’t get your hopes up. It didn’t last … at least not completely. I am thinking more rationally about it now, though. Anyway, Lucas repeated a couple of the words.”
    “He understood the Divine language of angels? How can that be?”
    “ Exactly . How can that be? He shouldn’t have been able to. And I don’t believe for a second that he just got lucky. The words don’t sound anything like the languages spoken on Earth—not even

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