In Times of Trouble

In Times of Trouble by Yolonda Tonette Sanders

Book: In Times of Trouble by Yolonda Tonette Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yolonda Tonette Sanders
know everything that had taken place. Lisa gave her the abridged version, which wentstraight from dinner to the proposal, skipping all the drama in between. The remainder of her day soared by as she toggled between “I’m so happy for you” and “I love you” emails and phone calls from Olivia and Eric, respectively. It wasn’t until she was on her way home that she realized there was one important person she hadn’t yet shared her news with—her sister! Immediately, she tried calling Callie at her office, hoping to catch her between classes.
    â€œDepartment of Humanities, how can I direct your call?” a woman answered.
    This was weird. Lisa was sure she had dialed Callie’s direct number. “Callie Jamison, please?”
    â€œI’m sorry. . .Dr. Jamison is on sabbatical right now, but I can transfer your call to Dr. Darryl Peters. He’s taken over her classes for the remainder of the quarter.”
    â€œWhat do you mean, she’s on sabbatical? When did this happen?”
    â€œMa’am, if you’ll hold one second, I’m going to trans—”
    Lisa didn’t stick on the line long enough for the woman to finish. She hung up and quickly called her sister at home. “Bryan?”
    â€œYeah. . .”
    â€œThis is Lisa. What’s going on with Callie? I called the school and they said she was on sabbatical. Is everything all right?”
    â€œUm. . . .Hold on, here she is. . .”
    It was a matter of seconds before Callie’s voice sounded on the other end. “Hey, Lisa.” Her voice, an octave lower than normal, was filled with gloom.
    â€œHey, are you all right? The school told me you’re on sabbatical.”
    â€œYeah. . .that’s correct.”
    â€œWhat happened? I thought you had to teach some kind of lecture series this summer?”
    â€œOh, that. . .I changed my mind,” she said unconvincingly. “I’mgoing to L.A. with Bryan and Tyra for a while. You know, Tyra’s due the end of next month. I’m going to help her out with the baby for a few months.”
    â€œWhat about Chanelle’s graduation party?”
    â€œI still won’t be coming. Like I said. . .I’m going to be in L.A.”
    Lisa wasn’t buying it. “Funny, you never mentioned any of this before.”
    â€œSorry. . .I didn’t think I needed to lay out my itinerary for you. What’s up? What did you call for, anyway?”
    Feeling dejected, Lisa had the mind to be just as rude with her response. “She might be dealing with depression,” Eric’s voice rang loudly through her head. Lisa took a deep breath. “I wanted to tell you that I’m engaged.”
    â€œGood for you. . .listen, I have to go right now. We have a six-hour drive ahead of us and I need to finish getting my stuff together. I’ll give you a call later.”
    Before Lisa could say anything else, the line went dead.

Nothing, Honey
    W hen Olivia suggested that everyone hang out at her house on Memorial Day, Lisa jumped at the opportunity. Memorial Day came the Monday prior to the graduation party Lisa was planning for Chanelle, so she hadn’t even entertained the idea of cooking out, considering she’d be playing hostess in a few short days.
    The “everyone” Olivia referred to was Lisa, her mother, Chanelle, and Eric. But only she and Chanelle were available. Eric had driven a couple hours north of Columbus to Sandusky, Ohio to visit with his mother. Technically, Lisa’s mother could have come and it didn’t surprise Lisa one bit when her mother declined the invitation. She’d never been fond of Olivia. Her mother didn’t like anyone except for RJ, who had helped her move into her own apartment over the weekend. Thanks to him and the crew he assembled, Lisa didn’t have to do much except transport a few

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