In the Realm of the Wolf

In the Realm of the Wolf by David Gemmell

Book: In the Realm of the Wolf by David Gemmell Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Gemmell
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flames, his jet-black eyes unblinking. He hawked and spit into the fire, his expression impassive, his heart beating wildly.
    “What do you see, shaman?” asked Anshi Chen. The wizened shaman waved a hand, demanding silence, and the stocky chieftain obeyed. Three hundred swords he could call upon, but he feared the little man as he feared nothing else in life, not even the prospect of death.
    Kesa Khan had seen all he needed to, but still his slanted eyes remained locked on the dancing flames. Reaching a skeletal hand into one of the four clay pots before him, he took a pinch of yellow powder and flicked it into the fire. The blaze flared up orange and red, shadows leaping to the cave wall and cavorting like demons. Anshi Chen cleared his throat andsniffed loudly, his dark Nadir eyes flickering nervously to the left and right.
    Kesa gave a thin smile. “I have seen the dragon in the dream,” he said, his voice a sibilant whisper.
    The color fled from Anshi’s face. “Is it over, then? We are all dead?”
    “Perhaps,” agreed Kesa, enjoying the fear he felt emanating from the warrior.
    “What can we do?”
    “What the Nadir have always done. We will fight.”
    “The Gothir have thousands of warriors, fine armor, swords of steel that do not dull. Archers. Lancers. How can we fight them?”
    Kesa shook his head. “I am not the warlord of the Wolves; you are.”
    “But you can read the hearts of our enemies! You could send demons to rip open their bellies. Or is Zhu Chao mightier than Kesa Khan?” For a moment there was silence, then Anshi Chen leaned forward, bowing his head “Forgive me, Kesa. I spoke in anger.”
    The shaman nodded sagely. “I know. But there is truth in your fear. Zhu Chao
mightier. He can call upon the blood of many souls. The emperor has a thousand slaves, and many hearts have been laid upon the altar of the Dark God. And what do I have?” The little man twisted his body and pointed at the three dead chickens. He gave a dry laugh. “I command few demons with those, Anshi Chen.”
    “We could raid the Green Monkeys, steal some children,” offered Anshi.
    “No! I will not sacrifice Nadir young.”
    “But they are the enemy.”
    “This day they are the enemy, but one day all Nadir will unite—this is written. This is the message Zhu Chao has carried to the emperor. This is why the dragon is in the dream.”
    “You cannot help us, then?”
    “Do not be a fool, Anshi Chen. I am helping you now! Soon the Gothir will come against us. We must prepare for that day. Our winter camp must be close to the Mountains of the Moon, and we must be ready to flee there.”
    “The mountains?” whispered Anshi. “But the demons …”
    “It is that or die. Your wives and your children and the children of your children.”
    “Why not flee south? We could ride hundreds of leagues from Gulgothir. We could merge with other tribes. How would they find us?”
    “Zhu Chao would find you,” said Kesa. “Be strong, warlord. From one among us will come the leader the Nadir have longed for. Can you understand that? The Uniter! He will end Gothir rule. He will give us the world.”
    “I will live to see this?”
    Kesa shook his head. “But neither will I,” he told the chieftain.
    “It will be as you say,” pledged Anshi. “We will move our camp.”
    “And send for Belash.”
    “I don’t know where he is.”
    “South of the new Drenai fortress, in the mountains they call Skeln. Send Shia to bring him.”
    “Belash has no love for me, shaman. You know this.”
    “I know many things, Anshi. I know that in the coming days we will rely on your steady judgment and your calm skills. You are known and respected as the Wily Fox. But I know we will need the power of Belash, the White Tiger in the Night. And he will bring another: he will give us the Dragon Shadow.”
    Ekodas paused outside the abbot’s study, composing his thoughts. He loved life at the temple, its calm and camaraderie, the hours of

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