In the Mind of Misty

In the Mind of Misty by Lisa Powell

Book: In the Mind of Misty by Lisa Powell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Powell
did he look like?”
    Misty took a deep breath. “well…” she smiled. “His hair was dark, he had these eyes that seem to look deep into my soul. He was so strong, muscular, you know. Like he could weight bench a truck. And his voice…” she took in another deep breath, “it was low and seductive. It hypnotized me at times.” She just sat there thinking of it.
    “ I don’t think Mark has a friend like that Misty.”
    “ That’s what I thought to.” Misty shook her head.
    “ So what happened?” Kimmy questioned.
    “ Well…” Misty went on and told her what happened and Kimmy was shocked.
    “ Wow Misty some dream and fantasy you got there.”
    “ Tell me about it Kimmy. But at the end he was choking me trying to kill me.” She started to tear as she put her hands to her throat.
    “ It was only a dream Misty. And you have to stop thinking about what people are going to think all the time. You have to have some fun and live a little. Mark and I are going to that party tonight. Why don’t you come with us?” Kimmy looked at her.
    “ No, no not after that dream Kimmy.”
    “ Listen, don’t wear the dress, the man you describe I don’t think Mark has a friend like that. You will be with us. There is nothing to be scared of Misty. I promise I won’t leave your side. And with fantasies like you have, you can keep them in your head,” and Kimmy chuckled.
    It took some talking but Misty finally agreed to go. They turned out the light Kimmy went back to sleep. But Misty had a hard time falling back to sleep.

    It was time for the party and Misty was nervous. She wore a button down shirt tucked in and blue jeans.
    “ Can’t you find something better than that Misty?”
    “ Yes but I won’t.” Misty replied. Kimmy just shook her head.
    They left and went to the party. They met Mark there. They walked in and Misty was like a frozen statue. As she scooped out the room she didn ’t see the guy she saw yesterday the man in her dream
    “ Loosen up Misty come on,” Kimmy said.
    “ I am going to get us something to drink.” Mark said and he left the girls.
    The next thing you know Kimmy saw Misty turn white as a ghost . “That’s him,” and she pointed
    Kimmy turned and looked. She saw Mark talking to a guy she forgot a ll about him. He has been gone for a while and she only met him a few times.
    “ Misty I forgot about him. He has been away for a while and just got back a couple days ago. You won’t have to worry about him. He probably won’t even notice you. I hear he has special taste in woman.” She looked at her sister. Misty looked freaked out they were walking towards them.
    “ They’re coming this way Kimmy.” Misty was getting all nervous.
    “ Misty listen, he won’t even notice you. I am telling you.” Kimmy said trying to calm her.
    “ Hey Kimmy you remember Vince?” Mark said. Misty gasps.
    “ Yes I remember. It’s been a long time.” Kimmy said and smiled.
    “ Kimmy,” Vince replied and nodded.
    “ This is Misty, Kimmys sister,” Mark said.
    Misty had her head turned . She was looking out over the crowd of people. “Hello,” she said.
    Vince looked Misty up and down . “Misty,” he said then continued. “Well I have been gone for a while need to catch up with a few people. Nice seeing you again Kimmy. Nice meeting you Misty,” he said and he left. Misty let out her breath she almost passed out.
    “ See Misty he didn’t even notice,” Kimmy looked at her.
    Mark looked at both of them . “Notice what?”
    “ Misty had a…” Kimmy started but Misty nudged her.
    Mark laughed . “You saw him before Misty?” he questioned.
    “ Only for a second last night,” Misty quickly said.
    “ And only in her mind,” Kimmy quickly replied,
    “ I want to go home Kimmy.”
    “ What’s going on?” Mark said. He could tell Misty was nervous about something.
    “ Nothing,” Misty quickly said.
    “ Then why do you want to go home?”
    “ I don’t feel

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