In the Company of Secrets

In the Company of Secrets by Judith Miller

Book: In the Company of Secrets by Judith Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith Miller
Tags: Ebook, book
leap from her chest. Had he actually asked her to deck the dining room tables? Mrs. Wright had always been in charge of such matters at Lanshire Hall. Olivia didn’t have the first idea of how to decorate for a formal gathering. Mrs. Wright had expertly created all types of arrangements for dinner parties hosted by the countess, and Chef Mallard often carved ice sculptures for the large events. But she’d never helped with such matters. A fleeting glance as she passed by a bedecked hall was the most experience she could bring to such an assignment. Why had Charlotte been compelled to go to such lengths in the spurious letter of recommendation?
    ‘‘Miss Mott!’’
    Wide-eyed, Olivia started. ‘‘Yes?’’ She wondered how many times he had called her name.
    ‘‘There is a closet off the main dining room where you’ll find items that may be of use to you. Since this is merely a business meeting and no ladies will be present, please refrain from using a theme for the decorations.’’ He curled his lip in distaste when he mentioned the possibility of a theme. ‘‘Of course, it goes without saying that you will want to impress Mr. Pullman and his guests.’’
    She opened her mouth, but the words stuck deep in her throat, all wadded up and cottony. Unable to offer an objection, her body trembled at the thought of what lay ahead. Chef René waved her toward the closet with an admonition to return to the kitchen once she’d chosen the items she would need. Although today she could decide what would be needed, the room couldn’t be decorated until morning because hotel guests would dine in the room this evening. Not that it truly mattered. Even if she’d been given an entire week, she couldn’t accomplish the assigned task.
    Her mind raced while she reviewed the contents of the musty closet. Vases and bowls of every size and shape, candelabra of crystal, silver, and gold, and crisp table coverings and napkins lined the shelves. She could stare at the items for the remainder of the day, but she’d still be unable to accomplish the task at hand.
    While Olivia traced her fingers along one of the silver bowls, she had an idea. With her years of attending dinner parties and other social gatherings, surely Charlotte would be able to lend insight. Olivia leaned against the closet door. She longed to race back home and inquire, but her questions would have to wait until this evening.
    ‘‘You are done so soon?’’
    She hadn’t heard Chef René ’s approaching footsteps. ‘‘Yes. I discovered a lovely assortment of pieces.’’
    ‘‘Then I shall expect something magnificent.’’
    Olivia cringed. The chef could anticipate magnificence, but he would likely observe disaster.
    The moment Chef René dismissed her for the evening, Olivia hurried home in not exactly a full-fledged run, but close. She didn’t want to appear completely unladylike, but she’d moved quickly enough to remain breathless after she entered the house. ‘‘Charlotte!’’ The name came out as more of a gasp than anything else. She sucked in a breath of air and tried again.
    She caught sight of a flagging handkerchief waving from the divan and entered the parlor. ‘‘Are you not feeling well?’’ Panic clung to her question.
    ‘‘Just resting. I’m bored.’’
    ‘‘Good. I’ve just the thing to resolve your boredom.’’
    ‘‘What?’’ Charlotte remained in her supine position and eyed her suspiciously.
    Undeterred, Olivia wiggled into a spot on the end of the divan and explained her plight. Charlotte’s eyelids drooped to half-mast as she shifted positions. ‘‘And what do you expect from me?’’
    ‘‘Help! I need your help.’’ She jumped up from the sofa. Panic clutched her in a viselike grip as she noted Charlotte’s languid expression. ‘‘Get up!’’
    Charlotte sighed and slowly pushed herself into a sitting position. ‘‘I’m up, but I don’t know what good that will do for you. I’ve never decked

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