In Rebellion (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book II)

In Rebellion (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book II) by John J Higgins

Book: In Rebellion (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book II) by John J Higgins Read Free Book Online
Authors: John J Higgins
attacking the Fourth Heaven even before the first day of the rebellion was finished.
    Beelzebael thought it brilliant that Luciferael decided to attack on the day that the majority of Angels loyal to the Almighty were out of the Heavens, down on the surface of the Earth. This made effective resistance to the rebel Angels difficult if not impossible for those few Angels who remained in each of the respective Heavens. The element of surprise was also in the rebel Angels’ favor, as no one had expected an attack, especially in the confusion that followed the cataclysmic day when Adam and Eve betrayed the Almighty.
    Landing on a golden cloud that was his first step into the Fourth Heaven, Beelzebael looked quickly behind him to make sure the rest of the legions were keeping up with his advance. The first ranks were composed of Cherubim and they quickly outmaneuvered the Dominion defenders that were flying above the golden clouds. Once these Dominions had been captured, they were passed back along the legion to the Guardian Angels for safekeeping. Beelzebael’s legions were again unencumbered and headed towards the lower region of the Fourth Heaven. Small detachments of Dominion Angels had set up defenses to prevent the rebel legions from moving through. Ratzuziel headed one of the detachments of loyal Dominions and he could be seen shoring up the cloud defenses. They had little to defend themselves by way of weapons, while Beelzebael was well armed with the weapons obtained from the stores in the Sixth Heaven.
    But the Dominions were able to slow down Beelzebael's progress, by keeping their defensive walls tight. The swords and axes did not do much against the walls. As the walls were also constructed of hardened light, it was tough going to get through them. Another detachment of the loyal Dominions was led by their leader Hashmallim. They stayed concealed in the Hall of the Dominions and were able to overwhelm some of the rebel Guardian Angels who entered the structure thinking that it was empty. By disarming the rebel Angels through brute force they were able to gain control of some weapons. A mad dash by this core group brought these weapons for use by defenders at the gateway to the Third Heaven against the rebel army.
    Hashmallim and his second in command, Ratzuziel, turned out to be great tacticians for the loyal Dominion Angels. They forced Beelzebael to halt and battle it out with them and their followers. The two Dominion leaders had constructed the defenses in such a way that the rebel army had to pass through a narrow channeled maze in order to get through the gateway into the Third Heaven . This forced the rebel Angels to send their warrior Angels in, one at a time, where the Dominions could fight back, regardless of how greatly they were outnumbered.
    Jarahmael was with Suriel's legion of rebel Angels when it entered into the Fourth Heaven. The fighting in the upper region was already finished by the time they arrived. At first, Suriel's legion moved quickly through the Fourth Heaven, but like the rest of Beelzebael’s legions they became stopped by the bottleneck down below created by the defenses of the Dominion Angels. Beelzebael saw Suriel and Jarahmael when their legion moved down and summoned the two of them for a council of war to find a way through the Dominions ’ defenses.
    Beelzebael looked at Jarahmael and smiled. “You decided to join us in the overthrow of Heaven?” Jarahmael could see that Beelzebael's eyes were watching his reaction very closely . I am sure he doesn't trust me, Jarahmael thought to himself.
    Suriel also cast a sidelong glance at Jarahmael. Nor does Suriel , Jarahmael thought.
    Jarahmael looked right back into Beelzebael's eyes and said in an arrogant tone, “Yes, my l ord Beelzebael. The Almighty has been playing favorites with the Humans and placed them above us.” Jarahmael stressed the words in his response, making it sound like it was Jarahmael who had been insulted

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