In Plain View (Amish Safe House, Book 2)
first.” His stern voice appeared to strike fear into the guard.
The guard nodded to his boss and left the room, leaving Kate to
face the man by herself. Logan whipped his hand around in the air
at the others in the room, as if to tell them to leave. Everyone
except Kate and White silently left the room. The large doors
closely tightly behind her.
    “So, how did you get in here?”
    “I told you. I chased my dog.”
    “No. How did you get in my office right
    Kate put a confused expression on her face,
to imply that she was brought to his office against her will. “I
was dragged here.”
    “No. Listen to me when I ask you a question.
You’re really starting to get on my nerves. How did you get out of
the holding cell and make it past all of the guards on the first
    Kate thought quickly. “The guard who brought
me my food said he felt bad for me, so he unlocked my chains and
helped me get to the front door, before he took off in a different
direction. Once I realized there were guards standing right outside
of it though, I unintentionally ran backward into the man who
brought me to you.”
    “Very well. Looks like I have another weed
to yank out of my garden.” White stood up and slowly walked over to
her. “So, a farm girl wanders onto my property, interrupts my
business, and then tries to escape? What do you think an
appropriate punishment would be for that?”
    The man looked at Kate and folded his arms,
as if undecided what to do.
    In a flash, Kate lunged at White. She pulled
the stun-gun from her pocket with and thrust it at him. The two
fell backward together, and she ended up on top of him, keeping the
pressure against his skin. After a brief struggle, Logan’s body
fell limp, and Kate climbed back to her feet.
    Now what?
    At that moment, Kate heard a commotion
coming from outside. She rushed to the window, and saw several cop
cars lined up inside of the mansion’s gate. Kate looked around for
a way of escape, and saw that one of the windows had a fire escape
strapped to it. She lifted the window and then slowly shut it, just
as the doors to the office opened.
    Safely hidden from view just outside the
window, Kate glanced down to see how high up she was. The ladder
would get her to freedom, but just as she was about to make her way
down, she heard a familiar voice from the room.
    “What on earth happened in here?”
    Kate peeked around the window and watched as
Ryan crouched near the body of White, feeling for a pulse. “He’s
alive,” Ryan said to another officer. “Looks like we might have
ourselves a vigilante. He must be a tough one too, if he took out
this guy.”
    His radio buzzed. “Sir, we have three guards
unconscious in what looks like some sort of dungeon or
    “All right, I’ll be right down. Let me cuff
this guy and make sure he finds his way to a cruiser.”
    Kate smiled. She turned to the ladder and
slid down to safety. The grounds were covered with police, but she
was able to sneak toward the gates unnoticed. Kate slipped into the
darkness of night.

    Acts 28:3-5 .
    When Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks
and put them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and
fastened on his hand. When the native people saw the creature
hanging from his hand, they said to one another, “No doubt this man
is a murderer. Though he has escaped from the sea, Justice has not
allowed him to live.” He, however, shook off the creature into the
fire and suffered no harm.
15 .
    Battered and likely to bruise, Kate limped a
little as she walked away from the hectic scene at Logan White’s
mansion. Sirens and chaos could still be heard in the distance as
she approached her hiding place. She pulled out the burner cell
phone she had bought recently for the purposing of calling taxis,
and called one now.
    Kate let out a sigh of relief. It was all
over now. Logan would be arrested, and Kate was confident the
police had followed the cell phone trail

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