In My Hood

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Authors: Endy
but he damn sure was going to give it a try.
    No one knew about that side of Ishmael except his ex-girlfriend Sasha, and he had intended to keep it that way—until now. He felt a certain type of closeness with Desiree, and he felt he was ready to share some of his secrets with her. Although they had not reached that point, now was as good a time as any to open up to her. Desiree made it clear how she felt about the game and all that came with it, and he told her he intended to stop.
    He didn’t know why she felt the way she did about the game, and he never asked. He figured when she was ready, she would tell him.
    “Speak,” Derrick yelled into the ringing phone.
    “What up?” Ishmael responded.
    “What’s good? Where you at?”
    “I’m swinging by to scoop up Rae. Where you at?”
    “I’m sittin’ in this fuckin’ long-ass line waiting to go through the tunnel,” Derrick complained.
    “Oh, a’ight, I’ll get wit’ you when I get there.”
    “A’ight, one.” Derrick disconnected the call.
    He was sitting in traffic waiting to enter the Holland tunnel with Dice, Nate, and Click. Behind him a few cars back was Damon, Little Cash, and Niles. They were all going to the party, which was a treat for most of them. Ishmael would bring them on occasion whenever he went over to the city for a night of fun and relaxation. Although this was a business affair in a sense, no one knew that but Derrick. The rest were out for the night to chase skirts.
    Before pulling off the block, Derrick instructed the knuckleheads riding in the car with Damon to go easy on the weed and to remember they was rolling with Jersey plates. Everybody carried a hammer, and he didn’t need them doing anything stupid to get them busted. Damon stayed a few cars behind Derrick for a reason. He wasn’t feeling taking orders from Derrick. Besides, he and Zola had some shit in store for him anyway.
    The Acura Legend Damon drove was so clouded from them blowing trees, it was a wonder Damon could see anything driving. The base boomed from the large-watt speakers he had installed in the rear of the car, drawing major attention to the vehicle.
    Ishmael pulled up in front of Beverly’s house and blew the horn.
    “Nigga, you better get the fuck out that Benzo and come see me,” Beverly yelled, sitting back in the cut on the dark porch.
    Ishmael turned off the engine and got out of the car. He adjusted the belt holding up his Armani pants, which he straightened over his Armani shoes.
    He glided toward the porch.
    “Hot damn! I hear you, my brotha. That’s what’s up, nigga,” Beverly yelled, obviously impressed with Ishmael’s ensemble. “And you pulled out the big dog tonight.” She looked over at the Benz.
    He gave a sly grin, knowing that he was doing his damn thing. “What’s up, Bev?”
    “Apparently you, nigga.” She looked him up and down.
    “Why you hiding out on the porch? Somebody looking for that ass, huh?” Ishmael joked.
    “Is you crazy? I don’t scare, and I definitely don’t run from nobody.”
    “Where my girl at?”
    “She upstairs.” She pointed. “Rae-Rae! Ish down here for you,” she yelled ghetto fabulous. “Go tell Rae-Rae Ishmael down here for ha,” she told one of the kids running around. “So where y’all going?”
    “To the city. Why? You rollin’?” He smiled, already knowing the answer.
    “You know I can’t go to the city. I got kids.” She rolled her eyes at him, realizing he was toying with her.
    Desiree walked onto the porch, and Ishmael looked at her. Although it was dark, he could still see her figure. She headed down the steps and stopped in front of him. The streetlights bounced off her radiant skin. She was wearing a black Chanel dress that fell above her knees. Its soft material lay upon her petite but shapely frame. The v-neck dove down the front of the dress, leaving room for her exposed cleavage. The sleeves of the dress dangled loosely, hanging to

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