In Love and War

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Book: In Love and War by Tara Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Mills
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reread the message, and let out a quiet chirp of glee. Time for a reply.
    TO:  dylanbond@
    SUBJECT:  I suppose I asked for it
    MESSAGE:  How am I supposed to concentrate on hardwood floors now? Just so I’m not the only one at a disadvantage, you should know that your kisses are so good, you could cause long-term brain damage. What do you think of that? Ha! I do have a power tool in my drawer but, well, I’m not going to say why, it’s on temporary leave. If you don’t get back soon, conscription is definitely in its future. Weather’s lovely here. Ariela
    She was stunned and elated when her in-box blinked back with a new message from him right away. He’s on right now, half a world away? Far out!
    TO:  arielap@
    SUBJECT:  My kisses huh?
    MESSAGE:  It’s nice to know I can rattle your bones from here. I’m not entirely indifferent to your kisses, either. Why the hell didn’t I take a picture of you with my phone? Dumb. You could send me a picture. Something sexy would be nice. Attach it to your next message. The politicians were here and gone in a matter of hours. I should be able to hop a ride out of here first thing tomorrow, if all goes well. I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, I need to write my column, so I have to sign off. Watching for that naked picture—Dylan
    She was upstairs and back in five minutes, scanning a favorite photo onto her computer for him.
    TO:  dylanbond@
    SUBJECT:   Pic
    MESSAGE:  This is what I have, so it’s gonna have to suffice. Sorry, but I wouldn’t even feel comfortable asking Jean to take a picture of me naked. How, by the way, did a request for a sexy picture become a naked picture? I like your chest, almost as much as I like your firm, gorgeous ass. Sorry, my mind is wandering here. I’m so glad you’ll be back soon. Come over when you can. Ariela
    To her delight, he was still there and got right back to her.
    TO:  arielap@
    SUBJECT:  That was quick
    MESSAGE:  Nice picture. This will do. Don’t expect to see me until late Friday. I'm just on my way out to meet with an Iraqi interpreter. He comes highly recommended and he'll be a good contact to have for any residual work I might get in the future. The job is impossible without the right local help. Until I see your pretty smile in person, I’ll make do with your image. Missing you more each day—Dylan
    Ariela stared at the last line of his message. He missed her? Did he just admit this could be more than sex for him too? Now what was she supposed to do? Nothing. There was nothing she could do until she saw him again. Only then would she know if they were heading toward a relationship. If he was hinting at more with that closing line, it could only mean one thing—he was through taking dangerous assignments. She couldn’t have stopped the rush of optimism when it engulfed her, even if she’d wanted to.

Chapter 8
    When it became obvious on Friday morning that Ariela would be utterly useless all day, Jean decided to handle their afternoon meeting with a potential client herself and leave her partner to manage the office on her own. It was no use. Ariela lacked focus. She started out working with the new software, familiarizing herself with its features, but even that, something she loved, failed to hold her attention. She ended up playing solitaire instead.
    Time slowed. Ariela was conscious of every tick of the second hand as it circled the clock. After two hours had passed without a single phone call, it was time to give up. She shut down her computer and went to turn off the big printer. Dylan walked in just as she straightened up.
    Damn, he looked good, so good. His warm tan enhanced his brilliant blue eyes, giving them the intensity of lasers targeted on her. His smile, well, his smile was slow, warm, and loaded with promise. They stood motionless, gazing at each other without words. Ariela moved first, going over to the copier to shut it off without turning from him.
    Then Dylan headed right for her,

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