In Love and Rescue: When love is the perfect rescue...

In Love and Rescue: When love is the perfect rescue... by K. Alex Walker Page A

Book: In Love and Rescue: When love is the perfect rescue... by K. Alex Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Alex Walker
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of your life, but you’re grateful that we’ve made it through. You’re finally convinced that I’m not going to kill you and maybe, just maybe, I can get the job done of getting you back home to your family safely.”
    She opened her eyes. “That’s actually not that bad.”
    “So, what were you actually thinking?”
    He removed a long lash that had fallen onto her cheek and Larke took a moment to enjoy the feeling of his fingertips against her skin.
    “ You got that part right, but I was also thinking about how I’m really starting to like talking to you, Des.”
    She moved closer, placed a hand on his forearm, and traced the veins there, mystifying him at how incredible something so simple could feel. How had he been able to live without this for even more than one second?
    “My turn. ” He let his hand fall from her cheek. “Try to guess what I’m thinking.”
    She stroked her chin. “Let me see. You’re thinking about the next step in this entire process—”
    Not quite.
    “—and how we’re finally going to make it back to the states—”
    Wrong again.
    “—and what resources you’ll need to keep Jarvis’ men away for good.”
    He stared at her and thought about lying, but the truth was proving itself to be a formidable opponent.
    “ You have freckles behind your left ear,” he pointed out. “And there’s a very slight speck of green in your right eye. Your smile, it stretches from here,” he touched her cheek, “to here, and even on the coldest days, looking into your eyes can warm a man from head to heart.”
    Her head fell for a few seconds. When she looked up at him again, recognition flashed for a brief moment before it was gone and she was looking at him like that again. Like she didn’t know who he was. At least, who he really was.
    He’d told her the same thing twice before: the first night they both lay in his bed wrapped up in his sheets, naked bodies still warm, and her laying on top of him with a smile on her face that had made him take her again. Over and over. The second time he’d told her that was on a beach in Virginia. He was on one knee. There was a blue box in his hand.
    “Oh,” was all she manag ed, her face still flushed. “What would make you think about that?”
    As he prepared a response, t hey were interrupted by the jerking motion of the boat being anchored and Doug reappearing with a black backpack over his shoulder.
    “We’re here, ” he announced, pushing open the door.
    They followed him onto the shore of a secluded harbor bordered by large trees. Night had already fallen, and he took them on a moonlit trail that cut through the forest and led to a clearing where a helicopter was perched in the middle, a man dressed in all black leaned against it. He waved when he saw them walking towards him and met them halfway. Doug shook his hand then gestured to Larke.
    “ Tim, Larke Tapley.”
    Tim and Larke exchanged a handshake. “I’m Special Agent Timothy Huang,” he greeted. “Me and these two gentlemen, we go way back.” He jerked his head in Desmond’s direction. “You’ve got one of the best men out there on your six, so don’t worry, you’re in excellent hands.”
    Doug removed the backpack and tossed it to Desmond. “In there, I left you guys with some burners, your basic toolkit, emergency supplies, and a memory card with all of the information that I’ve gotten so far. And, I know how much you love your rifles, Harding, but it couldn’t fit, so I hope a pistol and a fair amount of ammo will do the trick.”
    Desmond strapped o n the pack. “Thanks, Doug. I owe you.”
    He laughed. “You’ll always owe me. Just make sure you take care of yourself. I want to see you old and gray with thousands of grandkids running around.”
    Larke noticed his eyes briefly flick over to her before he set them back on Desmond.
    With a final wave goodbye, they climbed inside the chopper, and Doug waited until they were out of sight before making his way

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