In His Keeping (Slow Burn #2)

In His Keeping (Slow Burn #2) by Maya Banks

Book: In His Keeping (Slow Burn #2) by Maya Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya Banks
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“Ask anyone. They’ll tell you I’m the grumpy bastard of the Devereaux clan.”
    “Hmmm. I guess I’ll have to wait and create an informed opinion. Where are we going?”
    The abrupt change in subject had Beau looking at her in confusion.
    She sighed. “I do that too, unfortunately. You’ll experience it soon enough. But I tend to blurt out whatever happens to cross my mind at the time. My parents are adept at following my train of thought but others? Not so much.”
    He smiled, the action completely transforming his grim features. He suddenly looked . . . approachable. Not at all the intimidating figure he’d been in his office.
    The elevator doors slid open and they exited to pass the security desk where Ari returned her badge.
    Beau’s eyebrows lifted when his gaze skimmed over the pass.
    “You weren’t exaggerating when you said you had multiple aliases.”
    Ari shot him a serious look so he’d know she wasn’t in the least exaggerating. “Yes, I have three sets of identification. Driver’s license and passports for all three names. My father always told me that if I had need of them it was best to switch them around so that no one ever caught on to one and was able to track me. It sounded paranoid at the time and I just put it down to my father’s overprotectiveness because that certainly wasn’t anything new to me or my mother. But I honestly never thought I’d actually need them. Obviously I was wrong and should have paid more attention to the measures my father went to in order to secure my safety. It’s almost as if he knew that I’d need them one day. I just don’t know why .”
    Her voice trailed off as Beau pulled her into the rotating door. She hastily felt for her scarf and glasses, ensuring they were covering what they should. She was glad for the sunglasses, because the sun was particularly bright today and she would have been momentarily blinded by the sudden wash of light.
    She saw the car parked directly in front of the building, blocking one lane of traffic, and knew it had to be Beau’s vehicle. But when they started forward, someone bumped into Beau, knocking him slightly off balance for a moment.
    At the same time, the glass shattered behind them and screams went up. Ari found herself shoved painfully to the cracked pavement, Beau’s body covering hers completely.
    She heard his violent curse and felt him fumbling for something. She turned her head, trying to see what had happened, and terror clenched her insides when she saw Beau had pulled a gun she hadn’t even realized he carried.
    “Stay down,” he said harshly. “Do not make a single move until I tell you.”
    She nodded, not trusting her voice to even work. Her throat was paralyzed and fear was fast closing off her airway.
    At this point there wasn’t much more damage Ari could do that hadn’t already been done by the video of her using her powers and so she focused on two metal waste bins that lined the sidewalk further down.
    They hovered in the air and then streaked toward her and Beau before coming to rest in front of them, giving them some cover at least. When Beau realized what she’d done, he cursed again.
    But if he thought to reprimand her, he didn’t take the time. She was suddenly hauled to her feet and shoved between Beau and what she assumed was his driver and they dove toward the car.
    Ari landed in the backseat and cracked her head on the opposite door handle. Her already bruised body was taking yet another beating. She could feel every single one of those bruises and sore ribs screaming their protests.
    “Go, go, go!” Beau barked. “Get us the hell out of here.”
    The car took off, tires squealing as it shot into traffic. She scrambled up so she could look out the back, trying to make sense of what had just happened. The street was empty of pedestrians. They’d all taken cover the moment a shot was fired.
    Beau yanked her down roughly so her head was below the windows.
    “Stay down, damn

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