In Her Wildest Dreams
    “You ain’t seen nothing yet, sweetheart.” He leaned over and whispered. “If I could, I’d show you just how well I could take care of you right now.”
    It wasn’t as if she hadn’t heard such salacious talk from Gavin, but his sexually-charged teasing took on entirely new meaning now that she’d decided to allow their relationship to cross the friendship boundary.
    “You were telling me about the call you just had with a client,” Gavin said, as if he hadn’t just propositioned her in the middle of the Windsor Court Tea Room.
    She pulled in a shaky breath. She was in such trouble when it came to this man.
    “Okay,” she started. “I told you that I was forced to put up a disclaimer on my Website that I can’t take on any more Valentine’s Day experiences, right?”
    Gavin nodded.
    “Despite that, I kept getting emails and voice messages from this one woman, insisting that she speak with me.”
    “Let me guess. She is desperate for you to put together the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift for her husband and refuses to take no for an answer?”
    “Not quite,” Erica said, biting into a feather-light cream puff. She moaned and held the pastry out to Gavin. “Try this. It’s amazing,” she said.
    His eyes trained on her, he leaned over and took a bite of the pastry, his tongue licking cream from her fingers. Something stirred in Erica’s belly as his wet tongue swirled around her thumb.
    “Sweet,” he said.
    She stared at Gavin’s mouth, completely hypnotized.
    “Erica?” he called.
    Without thinking, Erica licked her fingers, tasting Gavin on her skin. Her entire body tingled at his flavor, and her nipples started to perk up beneath her bra.
    She picked up her tea and took a much too healthy sip. She started to cough, and Gavin quickly poured water from the silver pitcher. Erica gulped down half the glass of water in one swallow.
    She shook her head. “Sorry. Where was I?”
    A smile broke out over Gavin’s face. “This is going to be so much easier than I thought.”
    Oh, God. He was right. All it would take was another of his kisses and she would cave like an undercooked soufflé.
    Erica didn’t want to think about how deep her blush had grown. The heat burning her cheeks would probably scorch her fingers.
    “You were talking about the new client,” Gavin prompted.
    “Oh. Yes. Uh, anyway, the woman tells me that her husband, who often travels out of town on business, won’t be home for Valentine’s Day, so she wants to put together an experience for the week after Valentine’s Day.”
    “That’s perfect,” he said. “The Valentine’s Day rush will be over. You shouldn’t have a problem fitting her into your schedule.”
    “Having the time to put the experience together is not the problem,” Erica said. “The problem is that the woman’s name is Amelia Aristophonicholi, and her husband’s name is Steven.”
    A questioning line formed between his eyebrows.
    “I am putting together a Valentine’s Day experience for Steven Aristophonicholi and his girlfriend, Rebecca.”
    “Oh, shit.” Gavin laughed.
    “It’s not funny,” Erica admonished, though she couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped. “This is serious, Gavin.”
    “I know. Sounds as if my man Steven is spreading himself pretty thin.”
    “What am I supposed to do?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I have to tell her.”
    He sat back and raised his hands. “Whoa, Erica. You don’t want to get involved, believe me.”
    “But how can I not? If I don’t tell the wife, then I absolutely have to say something to the husband.”
    “No, you don’t,” Gavin said. “It’s none of your business. And who’s to say this Steven Aristophonicholi is even the woman’s husband. Maybe she’s married to another Steven Aristophonicholi.”
    Erica gave him a look that said get real .
    “Fine,” Gavin conceded. “The chances that they are not husband and wife are pretty slim, but it still doesn’t mean you should

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