In Exile (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book III)

In Exile (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book III) by John J Higgins

Book: In Exile (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book III) by John J Higgins Read Free Book Online
Authors: John J Higgins
of rebel Angels were to be confined in their own realm deep within the Earth, after they lost the rebellion. It was to be a large place under the Earth, one in fact that Luciferael had in mind for placing all of us, had we lost the war. It was the Almighty's sense of justice, to place Luciferael and his rebels in the place they intended for us.”
    “Hmm, we know that Luciferael would not be giving us a great place, but there is a large expanse where Hades and Hell could be placed and occupy space. Finding the entrance is a whole other story, as there are many places where it could be. There are mountainous caves, underwater caves, volcanoes, deserts with ever shifting sands, and holes that drop down straight into the Earth itself. We also know that Luciferael and his rebel Angels have appeared in the area where Adam and Eve have been living. Let's start there first,” said Cerebriel. He hoped that by being near Adam and Eve that they may be able to find Jarahmael, now that he had been banished from the Heavens.
    “Be mindful of the Almighty's commandment of no contact with the Humans,” Michael warned.
    “How could I forget, my lord Michael?” Cerebriel responded, bowing down deeply in exaggerated deference.
    They turned invisible and landed near where Adam and Eve's cave was located. It was early morning and although the morning ceremony had brought light into the Heavens earlier, the sun was finally rising in the east and waking up the Humans. Looking inside the cave, Michael and Cerebriel shot one another a glance. Slipping outside quickly and out of earshot, Michael became agitated and said to Cerebriel, “They have fire! How did that happen?”
    “They did not have fire the last time I was down here,” Cerebriel responded, surprised as well.
    “Either Luciferael and his group gave fire to the Humans or your friend Jarahmael did. Whoever did this is the one who has access to the Books.” Michael turned, looking off into the distance. “Now we need to see if we can find Jarahmael as well while we are down here.”
    “Yes, my lord,” Cerebriel responded. Could it be possible that Jarahmael would have access to the Books? Could he have taken them from the Seventh Heaven? Cerebriel did not know enough about Jarahmael's movements during the rebellion. He did know that Jarahmael was behind the rebel Angel lines for a good portion of the rebellion. But why would Jarahmael conceal that he had the Books from him, or Michael, or the Almighty? No, it had to be Luciferael or someone from his camp who had access to the Books.
    Michael continued, “Let’s search the neighboring area for caves and entrances that could lead to Luciferael's new realm. The Almighty referred to the region as Hades and Hell. From my understanding, Hades will be where Adam and Eve's souls go after their bodies die. The Almighty expects that's what will happen to the souls of their descendants as well. Hell is to be Luciferael’s private world. The Almighty has told me there is much more to that, but He will tell me when the time is right.”
    Cerebriel and his squad began flying from one potential location to another that could be an entrance to the Underworld. They also kept their eye out in case Luciferael or some of the other rebel Angels were on the surface of the Earth, and where they could capture them.
    They spent that whole day looking. But they were unable to locate the entranceway to Hell, nor did they find Luciferael, nor Jarahmael, nor the Book of Creation, nor the Book of Life. Exhausted from the search, they returned back into the Heavens, Cerebriel saddened that his friend was missing and banned from the Heavens.

Chapter 17
    Lillith was sitting in one of the rooms of Luciferael’s palace in the Seventh Pit of Hell, eating a piece of fruit from a branch of the Tree of Life that she had planted in the corner of the room. As good as the fruit tasted, it reminded her of her home and made her sad. Luciferael’s

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