Impassable Force: Force of Nature Series

Impassable Force: Force of Nature Series by Kathi S. Barton

Book: Impassable Force: Force of Nature Series by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
several times before he could speak. “What the hell was that for?”
    She opened the door and started out before she looked at him with a smile. “I’m just creating memories for you. You do like memories, don’t you son? You wouldn’t want to deny your poor old mother giving you memories before she dies, would you?”
    When she shut the door and made her way to the house , he looked at CJ as she sat beside him. She was laughing so hard she was wiping at tears. Austin didn’t understand women and doubted he ever would. Getting out, he went around the car to get his daughter and leaned down to whisper in her ear.
    “You should know that when she’s gone I’m going to burn that thing.” He kissed her cheek and went up to the house still talking to Aerial. “Come on little girl, let’s see what the poor boy has gotten himself into now.”
    Shawn was wai ting for him when he entered. Austin had no idea why but he’d never really trusted the older panther. But his wife had been giving him treats since he’d been a little kid. It was funny how things moved around so that you met in the middle more often than not. He handed over Aerial when he asked for her but wondered if she’d be all right. Aerial looked at him as if to say, “I’ve got this, Dad.” And that was another thing he’d never really cared for about the man, his lack of a smile. Ever. Aerial toddled after Shawn, holding his finger and looking up at him like she was slightly leery of him, yet, like a baby, still wasn’t sure why. Austin decided that he’d have the man investigated as soon as he got back to his house. Austin went to the study where he heard voices.
    “I do not have to see your brother. I’m perfectly fine.” Austin looked at Molly when she got up to pace and thought she looked great but said nothing. “Are you going to be this way if I get shot again? And I’m pretty sure I will. Or I might just shoot you.”
    “ Are you planning on getting shot again?” Austin was wondering the same thing when his mom asked her. “If you do then would you mind not telling me until you’re healed up? That way I can beat your ass and not have to worry about it hurting you more. I’ve never met a woman more bent on…well, that’s not true. All the women in this family seemed to have a flair for getting hurt one way or another.”
    Molly huffed before she spoke. “I’m a big girl and I’m pretty sure I can take care of myself. And no, I’m not planning on getting shot, but it is part of the job. And before I forget, Martin is coming over. He’s going to the…we’re going out to the….” Austin knew what she was trying her best not to say. She was going out to where it had happened, where she and her sister had been shot.
    “I’ll go with you.” They all stared at Jodie who walked in the room. “I might be able to see stuff you won’t. Also, congratulations are in order I guess.”
    The flush on Molly’s face was funny , but he wisely kept his laughter to himself. He looked at Randy, who was sitting there like he was waiting for the hammer to drop or something. He’d not moved or said anything since he’d come into the room. Austin went to sit next to him.
    “I guess you didn’t kill her.” He looked at him, and Austin could see the fear in his eyes. “I’m not mad. I’m not even surprised. Are you okay with changing her?”
    “I don’t know…it’s like…she’s my mate and I’ve only just realized that I love her. And I could have killed her.” Austin started shaking his head when his mom came to sit on the other side of Randy. “She could have died when I bit her. What the hell was I thinking?”
    Bam ! The spoon was out and whacking Randy in the head quickly. Randy looked at his mom as he rubbed his head. She looked ready to do battle. Austin decided this had less to do with memories and more to do with her making her point stick. He was pretty sure it would too.
    “What were you thinking when you changed

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