I'm Your Bully (Bully Book Series 1)

I'm Your Bully (Bully Book Series 1) by Andrea Tyse

Book: I'm Your Bully (Bully Book Series 1) by Andrea Tyse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Tyse
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his power to fix his past mistakes.
    Hating Paul for years was easy, seeing him a changed man was not.
    Bully For you - Bully Book Series 2
    Andrea Tyse
                  Mina Anderson sat in the far back of the classroom trying to avoid the attention of the teacher.  It wasn’t that she didn’t know the answer on the chalkboard.  She did, she had actually done her homework last night around 3 am.  Her mom didn’t get home from work until then so someone had to stay awake while Amy was home. Amy.  Mina smiled at the thought of her sister then quickly schooled her lips. Amy was a year older than Mina but had the mental capability of a perpetual adolescent. Some teenagers might have been embarrassed by their less than perfect sibling, but Mina wasn’t.  She loved Amy.
    The reason why Mina sat in the back of the class instead of near the outside middle of the pack like usual was because she’d gotten high in the school parking lot at lunch.  Any attention from a teacher would spell an obvious suspension for coming to class high as a kite.  Mina was good at being invisible though. 
    Paranoia began to beat at her a little, but Mina shoved it away and sat straight up in her chair.   Everything was fine. She rested her eyes on the board at the front of the room.  The teacher was droning on about something but Mina couldn’t catch it.  Symbols in chalk floated aimlessly about the board inches from their anchored beginnings.  This was good, this feeling of complete emotional numbness.  No worries, no expectations.  That was the good thing about a happy buzz.  You could just coast along in life.  Not really dealing with all those big problems like growing up, or Geometry, as was the case for Mina at the moment. 
                  The mood was too decent to let the stress that ate away at her nervous system win.  Looking down Mina noticed all the cartoon bugs she’d drawn in the margin of her notebook.  Distracted from her drawings, she heard someone was making a sound like a clearing of a throat and Mina dropped her pencil.  Her eyes wanted to follow the pencil as it rolled its way toward the edge of the desk like a lemming to a cliff but forced herself to look up.
    Why was Paul Trent standing in front of her desk? 
    It was then Mina noticed all the eyes of her classmates zoning in on them.  Frozen, Mina felt her lips curl into a creaky smile.  She could almost hear the hinges and rusty gears moving her lips into an upside down frown.  Paul attracted attention wherever he went.  He was a popular rich kid, with blond good looks everyone envied.  Mina remembered a time when she used to envy him too.  
                  In slow motion Mina watched as Paul dragged over his desk.  The scrapping noise the desk made rivaled the one inside her clenched smile.  Mina watched on as Paul mated their desks side by side like they were Siamese twins that longed for unification.  Paul slunk into his seat close to her.  She could feel the tidal wave of heat, heat trying to reach her body from his. 
    Sliding her chair a little further from Paul’s side of the desk, her pulse was pounding a drum beat she was sure everyone could hear.  Ignore him, Mina told herself.
                  Gravity shifted without her consent and bombarded Mina’s senses as she felt Paul grab the seat of her chair and drag her bottom next to his.  The sounds of the other kids in the class shifting around seemed overly loud to her ears.  Mina looked helplessly on as she saw a couple of the kids shoot her a pitying glance before turning away.   Others with less compassion were weighing the risks of laughing, or pretending they weren’t witnessing Paul bullying her in class. 
                  Immediately Mina didn’t feel high enough anymore.  The fear was starting to crawl as all the eyes in the classroom forgot about

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