Igniting Dearie

Igniting Dearie by Jazmine Devyne

Book: Igniting Dearie by Jazmine Devyne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jazmine Devyne
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Chapter 1
    It was nearly noon when Dearie came to a sudden halt outside of Allure , the bar and grill where she was supposed to meet her friend, Belle. She wouldn’t be nervous at all if Belle was the only one she would be having lunch with. But somehow, Belle talked her into coming to the Saturday munch that her group of friends held the first of every month. The mu n ch was a safe and social gathering of like-minded people that were interested in kink and the BDSM lifestyle. She wouldn’t be in this predicament if she had kept her mouth shut when Belle was talking once again, about her Master, Devlin. Belle met him at the munch six months ago and they had been nearly inseparable since. In fact, Belle informed Dearie this morning that her Master asked her to move in with him. Dearie had to admit, while she was happy for her best friend and roommate, she was sad that Belle was moving out. That was yet another reason she agreed to come to the munch this time. If she enjoyed it, it would be another way she could spend time with her best friend now that they would be living apart. It also couldn’t hurt for her to start making new friends and who knows, maybe she would find her own special someone.
    If truth be known, Dearie was keenly interested in the lifestyle her friend was so fond of. H er boyfriend Dirk had broke n up with her, stating he was bored with their relationship and sex life . Although it stung to admit it, she had also been bored with their routine of sex with the lights off, in the same few positions, with nothing new in the horizon. Her shyness was holding her back. Dirk hadn’t tried to coax her out of her shell. He was nearly as boring and shy as she was. Now, Dearie was dying to try something new.
    Dearie needed a real man. A manly man that wasn’t afraid of being in control. One that thrived in a position of dominance that would help her blossom the way Belle’s Master did for her. Belle was no longer a shrinking violet. Devlin had taken her under his wing and Belle progressed from caterpillar to a beautiful, confident butterfly in a matter of weeks. The difference in her was lovely to see. Before that, Belle had always been a sweet, meek and soft spoken young woman. Now , she was so bright and happy. H er Master not only made her see her worth, but he molded and shaped her into a stunning, vibrant, albeit sexually exuberant darling.
    Dearie wanted that.
    Looking down at her chocolate brown sweater dress that reached just over the tops of her suede boots, clinging to every ample curve she had, Dearie nearly turned around and went home. She wasn’t one to dress in revealing apparel , n or did she own a single item of clothing that was leather , like Belle had a fondness for wearing. She was going to stick out like a sore thumb. But as she turned to leave, she heard a joyful shriek and found herself wrapped up against her best girlfriend in a tight hug.
    “Oh , Dearie! I’m so glad you came. I was afraid you would chicken out and stay home.” Belle kissed her cheeks and took her hand, tugging her into bar.
    “Master Devlin is already here , along with several others. He just texted me to make sure I was on my way. One of his friends — you know the guy I was telling you about, Slate —w ell he’s here already. He’s w aiting to meet you and he is a dish , Dearie! You’ll see what I mean when you meet him.”
    Still, Dearie hadn’t said a word, merely giggling at her friend ’ s excitement while trying to calm her pounding heart. Belle quickly weaved them through the tables until they reached the back of the bar where there was a room off to the side for private parties. There was a long table that filled most of the space , and it had several people already seated , and others standing around it talking. Devlin was at the head of the table and to his right side was the sexiest man Dearie had ever seen. His long, jet black, straight as a board hair reach ed the middle of his back.

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