If You Leave: The Beautifully Broken Series: Book 2

If You Leave: The Beautifully Broken Series: Book 2 by Courtney Cole

Book: If You Leave: The Beautifully Broken Series: Book 2 by Courtney Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Courtney Cole
    Hell. I’m such a dating failure.
    “Well, it was definitely hard getting used to being back here. It’s so small.”
    Ethan laughs at that, but thankfully lets the conversation thread go. I’m grateful because his small talk is annoyingly bland.
    We continue walking and chatting and I continue holding on to his arm.
    He appears to be genuinely interested in all the things I tell him about the Hill, although I can’t say the same for myself about his tales from the clinic. How can someone so gorgeous be so freaking boring?
    “So, yeah, I was freaked out when I first gave someone a catheter. I mean, seriously. Who really wants to pick up another man’s penis and insert a hose into it? Thank God that’s usually the nurses’ job.” Ethan continues to tell me his medical tales and I continue to tune them out. Because
. I don’t want to hear about him playing with another man’s junk.
    As I concentrate on
listening, a figure takes shape in the near distance, jogging toward us. Out of idle curiosity, I keep an eye on the jogger as he draws closer and closer, and then almost gasp when I finally realize who it is.
    No freaking way
. It’s like the universe is determined to keep bringing me into his path.
    My mouth instantly goes dry as his stormy eyes lock on my face.
    We need to finish what we started.
    I feel my cheeks flush and as they do, he smirks… like he knows exactly what I’m thinking.
    He’s shirtless and the muscles in his chest and abdomen flex with every movement. His dark hair is mussed and damp, so it’s obvious he’s been running for a while.
    Sweet Mary. Why is it that an entire evening with Ethan leaves me cold but one freaking glance from this guy sets my blood on fire?
    The man is built. His arms are cut, his abs are a rock-hard washboard and he’s got that perfect V running down into the waistband of his shorts. I try to pretend that I don’t notice, but I can tell from his smirk that he knows that I did.
    I ignore it. Instead I ponder the way he seems so lean and efficient. Every movement is smooth and deliberate. And powerful. I’ve always heard that Special Forces turn their soldiers into trained killers. I don’t know about that, but holy crap, he looks lethal.
    I can’t seem to look away and as he jogs past, he glances at me sideways.
    He also splashes through a tiny pool of water, which splatters Ethan’s pants in muddy droplets.
    “Hey, dude,” Ethan protests, turning to glare after Gabriel. “Watch what you’re doing.”
    I’m surprised that Ethan would say anything at all because it was clearly an accident, but I’m equally surprised when Gabriel stops, turns and walks back to us, sweat glistening on his brow.
    “What did you say?” he asks incredulously. Apparently he’s surprised too.
    Ethan seems hesitant now that he’s face-to-face with Gabe.
    “I said watch it,” he says, quieter now. “You got mud on my pants.”
    “Did I now?” Gabe rolls his eyes. “I apologize. I apologize that you’re a candy-ass who doesn’t like to get dirty.”
    Ethan practically sputters as he steps toward Gabriel and I have no clue what to do.
    “Whatcha gonna do, candy-ass?” Gabriel taunts him, leaning forward mockingly. “Anything?”
    Gabriel raises an eyebrow, waiting, and I shake my head, disappointed that he would react like this. Disappointed, but not surprised. He did punch a hole in his wall, for God’s sake, then turned around and slammed Jared into a wall. It’s clear what kind of guy he is… someone who has a temper problem. Before I can stop myself, I speak up for Ethan.
    “What the hell, Gabriel? You splashed mud on him. This is your fault, not his. Why are you being such a dick about it?”
    The way he looks at me, with almost an offended expression, makes me wonder… is this overreaction about me? Is he annoyed that Ethan is here with me? His face closes up, though, and I decide that that can’t be right
    “Come find

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