If You Dare
Cordelia thought that might be his only response. Around them, crowds of people walked by as the hotel’s show came to an end. A scantily clad waitress carried drinks back to the poker rooms. And Cordelia stood still waiting, half hoping he’d answer, half hoping he’d haul her in his arms and kiss her until she didn’t have any questions.
    He pulled her against his body and she closed her eyes in anticipation of what she thought he’d do.
    But he asked her a question instead. “What makes you think something’s wrong?”
    Maybe she should just ignore this. Who really cared anyway? Besides she could barely even think, much less talk. But still… “You seem angry at me.”
    He leaned in close and Cordelia felt the brush of his just barely stubbled cheek against her soft skin. “Darlin’, you’re reading the signs all wrong. I’m not the least bit angry.”
    Cordelia knew he was lying, but she couldn’t make herself care as his arm trailed down her bare back and he leaned down to whisper. “Come on, Cordelia, we’ve got all night to talk.”
    True, but…
    “You’re just trying to get out of telling me what’s bothering you.”
    Joe laughed and then nipped the edge of her mouth before whispering. “Honey, what’s bothering me is the idea of you standing there without any underwear on wanting to talk instead of making love. I feel like I’m losing my touch.”
    Oh Lord, Oh Lord, Oh Lord.  
    She seriously could not breathe.
    He truly was the sexiest man she’d ever known, and he was hers for the entire night. For five more days.
    He was right. They were wasting time.

    Joe held the elevator door open and watched Cordelia walk inside. He needed to get over this stupid desire to talk. What kind of guy chose conversation over sex? For a minute there, he’d have to say he fit that bill pretty much perfectly.
    But not now. Not when she looked so good. Not when they were alone again in an elevator for the second time in one evening. And damn sure not when she turned around, leaned against the back of the elevator wall and sent him one hell of a come hither smile.  
    Pushing a stray black curl away from her cheek, she crooked her foot up against wall and bit her bottom lip. “Well here we are again.”
    Oh yeah. He moved right up next to her, close enough to smell her scent but not so close that they were touching. He wanted to see if she’d make the first move. “Here we are.”
    She ran a long fingered hand down the front of his shirt, flicking the top button open, never taking her bottomless green eyes from his. “I’m thinking we need to do something different this time. Something spontaneous. Fun. Daring.”
    Damn she was hot. “What do you have in mind, darlin’?”
    She flicked open another button and smiled a secret smile, the same one she’d had on her face when he’d walked in on her in the bathroom last night. What had he done to deserve this woman?
    “I’m thinking you might be willing to get a little closer.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him close enough that their bodies touched, close enough that he felt the hardened peaks of her nipples through the cotton of his shirt. Close enough that she had to feel his erection through the soft material of her dress.
    For the first time in his life, he was absolutely speechless. Had he actually been thinking about talking only a few minutes before?
    He might not be able to talk, but he sure as hell could move. Stepping even closer, he watched as her eyes widened when he shifted so her skirt fell over his pants leg, so his clothed knee fit perfectly against her hot center.
    That certainly had her attention.  
    With one tiny push he was back in control. Her eyes closed and she bit her lip and he couldn’t help but laugh. “Something like this, darlin?” He shifted again, and her only response was a gasp.
    “I’m not going to touch you, Cordelia.” He placed his hands on either side of her head so he didn’t change his mind. “I’m not

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