If I Should Die: A Kimber S. Dawn MC Novel

If I Should Die: A Kimber S. Dawn MC Novel by Kimber S. Dawn Page B

Book: If I Should Die: A Kimber S. Dawn MC Novel by Kimber S. Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimber S. Dawn
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into the same bushes I flick into every morning, and stood from the curb, kicking gravel like a dimwit. “Guys, I dunno. Bikers? We don’t know any bikers. I don’t particularly favor their kind, usually. Or their stereotypical thug in leather look they have going on.”
    Ty scoffs as he steps off his bottom stoop before throwing his hands above his head. “Oh for the love of the gods. What’s wrong with this child?” He turns quickly, looking between me and the other two girls, and when his hands land on the top of my shoulders he looks at me like he’s looking at a toddler. “Bikers are sexy. As fuck. And Ty is…” He looks around at the other two teenage girls who are hopping in place, they’re so excited.
    “Fly! Ty is Fly!” they shout in unison.
    “Right, and Ty needs to hang out with some fly motherfuckers. Especially after that lame ass party of Brad’s last night! And, baby, who is finer than the damn bikers who’ve been running their bikes up and down my street all damn week?”
    I look every one of them directly in the eyes. And I tell them. I tell them, every single one. “Okay, we’re going. But this…” I point to the ground. “Mark my words; this is a bad fucking idea.”

The party the night before, for the most part, went off without a hitch. While Uncle Chase did not attend, Bentley called, and I told him exactly what Pops wanted me to say. Then he headed over right after, and after talking for over an hour and a half in the steeple, me, Pops, and Ben all hung out. We talked through most of the issues, heard Ben’s approach on his father's actions, which mirror mine and Pops’. And thankfully, I’m pretty sure we got all our shit ironed out.
    I smile, and for probably the first time I can remember, when I rouse fully awake the next morning, I reach out, trying to cuddle with my little partner from last night. And that’s when the mild headache begins creeping in. Holy shit, I was lit last night.
    I don’t even fucking remember who it is, nor do I care. Well, wait—I crack my eyelids, even though it’s dark. But I can still see enough of her. Whew. Dark hair, okay. It’s not Roxy. My smile widens as I scooch, spooning closer to the little bit in my bed.
    “Fuck, come here, girl. I’m trying to cuddle.” My voice is gruff as hell and I chuckle when she wiggles her butt against my growing erection and begins to squirm. “Come here, you little pipsqueak.” I laugh, pulling her entirely on top of me, front to front. I can hardly make out her profile, but what I can see is fucking gorgeous. “Hey, you.” I kiss the tip of her nose as her arms circle my neck.
    I love sleeping nude. It’s fucking awesome. And I think the rest of the world could take a page from my book and start sleeping that way. Actually, just make a rule that crosses all rules: No clothes in bed. It’d make the world a much more peaceful place, I promise.
    My headache is completely forgotten, especially when it dawns on me that we’re still skin to skin from last night. And fuck does she feel good against me. I feel my cock settle in the v between her legs, and smile with my lips against hers.
    Her mouth is sweet. And warm. God, it feels so good. A guttural groan crawls from my throat and spills into hers as she opens, granting me more access. “You taste so sweet.” My hands cupping her face reach down around her waist and pull her completely up on top of me, until she’s straddling me. And the shit that’s spewing from my mouth, I have no idea where the fuck it’s coming from, but I can’t stop it. “It’s like I don’t want to fucking touch you too much.” Her mouth comes back down to mine, shutting me up, but only briefly. “Shit, you’re gonna drive me crazy, aren’t you, baby?” I ask. Like a fucking idiot.
    When I feel her warm cunt soak my cock, I grunt before shoving myself against her. “Shit, you’re so wet.” Her body moves on top of mine, and in seconds, we’re in sync. Our

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