I Kissed a Dog
me more anxious
     than I already was. I scurried to the bathroom and tossed the essentials into a smaller
    “What about my car? What if someone sees it and wonders why I’m not in it or why I
     don’t answer the door?” I didn’t want to raise any suspicions. “Luke might figure
     out we’re together. That would be … uncomfortable.”
    “Do you think he’ll come by?” Zane asked. “He likes you a lot.”
    “I doubt it. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. He’ll think I went to visit my folks.
     My mom’s been known to whisk me away for a weekend.” I ignored his comment about Luke’s
     feelings. I had no intention of exploring that situation tonight.
    “How would you feel about the two M’s staying here and keeping an eye on your place?”
     Zane suggested, changing the subject.
    Having two werewolves as house sitters seemed a little bizarre, but they’d be closer
     to the animal park this way and more able to protect my property from any intruders.
    “Sure,” I agreed, adding, “I think I’ll call Luke, let him know I’m with my parents.
     That’ll take care of the car being here with me gone.” I hated the idea of lying to
     Luke, but had convinced myself I’d hurt him more by revealing the truth.
    “Call him from my place.” Zane lifted my heavy, old-fashioned suitcase like it weighed
     next to nothing.
    After a quick once-over, I realized there was nothing else for me to do. I’d already
     preset two timers on my table lamps, and now that Zane’s friends were staying, I felt
     more confident leaving my personal sanctuary.
    Forty minutes later, we pulled up in front of a small, rundown four-plex. The place
     looked deserted, creepy. Regardless, I was relieved to escape the confining Corvette.
     I’d never seen Zane so withdrawn. He hadn’t appreciated my attempts at scanning his
     thoughts either, and my enjoyment over his protectiveness had vanished, to be replaced
     by the nagging thought I’d become his biggest burden.
    I decided to stay quiet and out of his way. Considering the limited space in his apartment,
     it wouldn’t be easy. Vegas sounded better by the moment.
    “You can take the bedroom. I’ll stay out here and keep watch.” He placed my luggage
     by the front door. Grateful I’d worn sweats, I could go to bed without disturbing
    “I appreciate you doing all this, but I can handle things. I could go to my parents,”
     I said, hating how feeble I sounded.
    “We’ve already been through our options. The last thing you want is your parents
     in a standoff with mutant werewolves. Believe me, the bad guys will find a way to
     locate everyone who’s important to you.”
    A fist of terror punched into my gut. “What do you mean? Should I warn my family?
     Friends?” I thought of Melanie.
    “If they don’t register your scent or find you there, they’ll move on. I don’t think
     anyone wants this exploding in the media. Staying undetected is still a top priority
     for everyone involved. The consequences for revealing our existence to humans are
     … unpleasant.”
    I decided not to ask for the extended version. After all, the sole consequence I was
     aware of didn’t leave room for any others. I’d defeated death more than once and had
     no intention of trying again. Still, there was one person I figured we could reach
     out to for added assurance.
    “My stepdad’s a cop. Maybe we could trust him …”
    “With what? The fact you’re running from a supernatural serial killer, a vengeful
     woman werewolf, and her mutant warriors, with your new werewolf companion?”
    I hated to admit he was right. Bob was way too practical even to consider something
     as farfetched as ghosts and goblins, let alone monster-sized wolves howling at the
     moon. For my family, ignorance wasn’t bliss, but it was the safer choice.
    “You never told me what other supernatural creatures exist.” I glanced at the window
     certain there were ferocious fiends hovering

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