I was driving down the road that would lead me to my parent’s house when a Jeep, the same color as my own, caught my attention.
It nearly looked the same as mine as well, except mine was a few years older and was sitting on 35 inch tires with a six inch lift, whereas the other one was still stock.
If I wasn’t watching so closely, I would’ve never seen the deer that ran out in front of the other Jeep.
I would’ve never slowed in time, and I would’ve been taken out since the other jeep swerved sharply to avoid hitting the deer.
In a series of events that almost happened too fast for my eyes to see, I watched in helpless horror as they all played out before my eyes.
The right front tire blew, causing the jeep to swerve sharply in the opposite direction it’d been headed, and crossed the road in front of me, taking out the deer with the back of the jeep, as it spun 360 degrees.
It lurched to a bone-jarring stop when the front of the Jeep came into contact with a fifty year old pine tree that’d been there since before time.
“Motherfucker,” I breathed as I pulled over quickly, jumped out, and started running towards the mangled vehicle.
At first, I thought I was seeing things when a pert, muscled ass covered in a tight black skirt, started to make its way out of the passenger side window.
Then she fell out, and I was faced with one of the shortest women I’d ever seen in my life.
Holding a camping axe with blood running down her face.
“Whoa,” I said as I held my hands up in order not to scare her.
She blinked at me. “Did you see where she went?”
I cocked my head to the side and tried not to think that the woman in front of me was bat-shit crazy, but I failed. “What do you mean, she? Are you all right?”
She huffed. “The deer, boy. Where’d the deer go?”
Boy ?
Did she just call me boy ?
The little spitfire had to be the cutest thing I’d ever seen.
She was all of five feet tall, at the most, and her cute pink blonde hair, although matted with blood, was still in perfectly curled shape surrounding her face.
The shirt she was wearing was slowly being ruined by the steady drip of blood from the laceration on her forehead, but that didn’t seem to bother her any.
“How about you let me drive you to the hospital?” I asked as she started to pass me.
When I held my hand out, she jerked her arm away from my touch and started walking purposefully in the direction of the road.
“I’m fine. How about you just let me see where that deer went, and we’ll talk more later?” She offered congenially.
I barely suppressed the urge to laugh at the woman.
Like I’d leave her here when it was very likely that she had a concussion.
Fishing the handkerchief I kept in my pocket out, I held it out to the woman. “You have blood running down your cheek and staining your white shirt.”
She looked down and gasped. “No! I just bought this shirt. Shit! He’s so going to never let me forget this.”
My eyebrows raised. “Who’s not going to let you forget?”
She looked at me and smiled sadly. “My boyfriend. He likes to hang every little thing I’ve ever done wrong over my head, and never lets me forget anything. He still likes to let me know, on occasion, that we should see other people. I’m going to take him up on it this weekend.”
If my eyebrows rose up anymore, they’d disappear into my hair. “Why this weekend?”
“Our mutual best friend’s the only reason I stayed with him that long. He died this past weekend, and we were supposed to go to the funeral. I’ve probably missed it by now,” she said sadly.
I started herding her towards my Jeep.
We were on a fairly secluded road, and there was really no chance that help would even see us with how far we were off the road.
The woman was lucky I was here when she wrecked, otherwise she’d be wandering around aimlessly in the woods.
“You’re going to break up with your boyfriend after his best friend
BB Easton
Shirley Wells
Isabel Wolff
Anthony de Jasay
Colten Steele
Emma Miller
Larry Niven
Morgan Rice
Linda Gillard
Fiona Harper