could head back to the hotel.”
    “ No. ” Archer took a deep breath. The cold air soothed him like some salt-scented sedative. Desperately, he tried to hang onto the here and now rather than what waited for him back home. Here he was, here Evan was—trying so hard to make him happy. Archer screwed up too many things in his life; this wouldn’t be one of them.
    “No,” he repeated, softer. “I’d really like to get her a present. Then we can head back if you want.” When Evan’s worried frown deepened, Archer forced his mouth into a small smile. It felt awkward on his face, like it didn’t fit. “Honestly. I’m fine.”
    Evan sighed, but his features smoothed out. He slung an arm around Archer’s shoulders and began to lead him toward the shops. “Why don’t I believe you?”
    Because, Archer thought, you’re smarter than most.


    They ordered in again, but this time brought their food out onto the back deck overlooking the beach. The patio chairs were pushed closer together, with the small round table between them so the food could be shared. Good food, good company, and a beautiful sunset glittering off the water meant Archer could keep his mind off Vivian, and off the little glass dolphin sitting atop the dresser waiting to go home to Marissa.
    Evan disappeared inside for a few minutes and when he returned, it was with two glasses and a bottle of wine. Archer raised a brow. “How’d you even get that?” Evan was his age, and there wasn’t a place around that wouldn’t check for ID.
    He grinned sheepishly. “There’s a mini-bar in the room. They’ll just charge it to my account when we leave. You want some?” Archer wasn’t a drinker. The idea of getting drunk, willingly screwing with his ability to make coherent decisions, never made sense to him. He eyed the bottle warily. Evan sank down into his chair. “You don’t have to. Just…remember you don’t have anything to worry about tonight.”
    Nothing to worry about. Not Vivian. Not his mother. Nothing.
    Archer sighed. “Only a little.” Evan handed him a glass and he held it up, watching the diminishing light play tricks along the surface of the liquid much like it did on the ocean.
    Evan held up his own glass. “To vacations and relaxation.”
    “To cliché toasts and underage drinking.”
    It tasted warm all the way down, but it was better than some of the other crap he’d tried over the years. Vivian could down shots of whiskey and rum like no one else, but he hated it.
    They lapsed into silence again, soaking up the remaining heat as the temperature steadily dropped. Archer finished off his drink, let his eyes drift close, and could’ve gone to sleep like that. He could feel Evan watching him. The silence was suddenly heavy.
    “What is it?”
    Evan hesitated. “Did you know a cop stopped by my apartment the other day?”
    Archer’s eyes flew open. He set his glass aside to keep from dropping it. “Detective Patterson?”
    “That’s the one.” Evan leaned back. His gaze roamed out over the water. Archer was grateful to avoid eye contact for the time being. “He wanted to ask about our run-in with that Richter guy at the mall.”
    “Yeah.” What had Evan told him? Did the detective now know he’d lied about staying there overnight? Had he even asked? Was he even a suspect?
    “I told him we only said hello in passing.” Evan shrugged. “…And that you were with me all night.”
    A mixed blessing. His alibi was confirmed now in the eyes of the police, but Evan knew he’d lied. And that he might’ve had a reason for lying. More than that, he hated the idea that Evan was now a part of his screw-up because he’d lied for him. His fingers dug painfully into the arms of the chair. He ought to say something, but he couldn’t. He didn’t know what to say.
    “Where’d you go after you left my place, Archer?” That voice…so deceptively soft and gentle. More curious than worried or afraid. Shouldn’t he be afraid? If

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