had been surprisingly easy and cheap.
He couldn't wait to hear the confident woman incriminate herself. The equanimity the Hunters always managed to maintain in their business life was about to be throttled.
“So why don't you start telling me?” Denise said conspiratorially, her eyes twinkling as she sipped her cocktail. Smirking herself, Zoe regarded her sister with an innocent feature.
“I don't know what you're talking about, sweetie. How's school going?”
Denise shrugged, her eyes darkening for a moment. Zoe knew that anything career-related was a sore spot for her sister, who had never felt quite adequate despite possessing above-average wit and IQ. “Oh, you know. On my way to being a lawyer.”
“Not just any lawyer,” Zoe teased, taking a moment to relish a spoonful of Semifreddo. “A Harvard-schooled one.”
“Yeah, well... anyway. Tell me about you . You look... different.”
Moaning around another bite of dessert, Zoe raised her eyebrows.
“Different, how?”
“I don't know. Radiant. Like you've been less stressed, which seems counterintuitive, since you're a CEO now. Oh my God, honey, good for you.”
“It's why we're celebrating, yeah?” Zoe asked, smiling warmly, her chest expanding with love for her younger sister. It was the only thing left untainted in her family, the only sane bond.
“Damn right, it is.” Taking a huge gulp of her cocktail, Denise raised the glass in a mock toast. “For my sister – the first CEO on the HUNTER Holdings board. To many years of secrets and loads of cash.”
Laughing wholeheartedly, Zoe nodded in agreement.
“And as few enemies as possible.”
“And that, yeah,” Denise concurred. “So... let's address the elephant in the room. You've been fucked.”
Choking, the young CEO put the spoon down and downed a few gulps of water.
“Oh!” Denise grinned toothily. “I hit the jackpot, didn't I? So who's the lucky dick?”
Wiping her mouth with a napkin, Zoe decided her conversation with her sister was too unpredictable for her to risk eating during it at the moment.
“Yes, I've been having sex. No, that's none of your business.”
“It so is! You have not found a man in how long ?”
“Denise! You're making me seem like an old maid.”
“Well... I think I had more sex at twelve than you've had these past two years combined.”
Eyes gaping open, Zoe pursed her lips. “When did you lose your virginity?”
“I can't believe you don't know that about me.” Denise frowned. “At eleven. Duh!”
“Duh?! What the hell were you doing, having sex at eleven?”
“Honey, you are getting off-subject. We were talking about the handsome, mysterious guy you're screwing. Don't make this about me. Is it one of the Hunters? Please tell me it is! I'd so screw Damian, he's so yummy.”
Narrowing her eyes, Zoe fumed. “You would so not. He's off limits.”
“So he's the one? Gosh, I knew it!”
“Denise, I can't talk about this in public.” Her tone was chiding, though her sister seemed to miss it.
“But you're gonna tell me all about it in private?”
Nibbling on her lower lip pensively, Zoe pondered whether she should say yes or refuse. There was a lot at stake, but as long as they were out of public perusal, they could talk about almost anything. She would never betray the Hunters by offering information about their companies or their Club, but she could discuss her sex life with her dear sister – her favorite person in the world.
“Sure. As long as you keep your mouth shut.”
“You know me, sis.” Denise smirked, taking a long draw of her cocktail. “Just one thing. I was right about Damian, wasn't I?”
“ Maybe is not an answer. Gimme the yes or the no. Have you fucked him?”
Sighing, Zoe was half-tempted to laugh at the crazy notion.
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L.L. Bartlett
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Christopher Nuttall, Justin Adams
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