Hunks: Opposites Attract

Hunks: Opposites Attract by Marie Rochelle

Book: Hunks: Opposites Attract by Marie Rochelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Rochelle
perplexed look on her pretty face. A tiny frown had formed on her forehead as her eyebrows pulled down over her eyes.
    “I forgot all about that darn list.” Sapphire sighed as she sat her glass down on the table. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll write some things down for you.”
    She reached for the pen and notepad in front of him, but Brian’s hand shot out stopping her from picking them up.
    “I have a better idea.”
    Her eyes looked at his hand on top of hers then back up at his face with one perfect eyebrow arched. “What is it?” she asked, easing her hand away from his.
    “Why don’t we both go into town together?” he suggested. “I mean aren’t two heads better than one and besides, I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to go with me. I’m a fun guy to be around.”
    “I never said that you weren’t,” Sapphire replied. “But I did have other plans this morning.”
    “Oh, what were they?” Brian inquired. Turning around in his chair, Brian crossed his arms across his chest. “Were you planning on hiding away in your room like yesterday? I thought we were going to start over. Is there a reason you don’t want to hang out with me? Let me know now, so I can fix it and move on. We’re going to be here a while with each other and I don’t want us avoiding each other at every turn.”
    Her lips parted in surprise as Sapphire stared blankly at him a few seconds. “I’m not scared of going anywhere with you, Brian. In addition, I wasn’t hiding from you yesterday; I had some personal stuff to take care of. Why do you care anyway?”
    “Prove you aren’t trying to avoid me,” he taunted. “Go to the store with me. I might even let you push the cart if you’re nice to me.”
    The beginning of a smile tipped the corner of Sapphire’s pretty much. “Fine, let me grab my purse and coat. I’ll meet you outside at the car.” Spinning away from him, Sapphire walked out of the kitchen.
    Relaxing more in his chair, Brian watched Sapphire leave as triumph flooded his veins. Yes! He had talked her into going out with him. Not that he was considering it as a date or anything, but Sapphire had an air of calm and self-confidence that he liked and was interested in finding out more about.
    She was on a different level from the females he picked up at the bars. There was a hint of defiance in her tone as well as a subtle dare. For some reason, Sapphire was testing him. Why, he didn’t know, but he was more than ready to take her up on any challenge she might toss in his direction.
    Finishing off the last of his orange juice, Brian got up from his seat and snatched his car keys off the table. If the roads were bad or slick then they would have a better chance getting into town with his SUV.
    Upstairs in her bedroom, Sapphire grabbed her jacket out of the closet. She couldn’t believe how she allowed Brian to talk to her into leaving the cottage with him to go grocery shopping, but she wasn’t going to let him get the better of her.
    He was so wrong about her hiding from him yesterday. She had things to do up here that didn’t have a thing to do with him. Why was he even up in all of her business in the first place?
    She even proved it to Brian downstairs by agreeing to help him shop for supplies. Maybe the trip would give her more insight into what made him tick. Brian had to be more than a handsome face and fantastic body.
    Since Shauntie seemed pretty fond of Nash’s best friend she would use this time to find out why. Her plans to go ice skating on the pond could wait until she came back from her trip with Brian. It wasn’t like the pond was going to go anywhere.
    Moving away from the closet with her thick fleece jacket in her hand, Sapphire picked up her purse off the bed before she headed out the bedroom door. Who knew, maybe this drive to town with Brian would turn out in her favor? Brian seemed like he was in a very talkative mood, he might reveal more about himself to

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