Hunger Revealed
helping you
    Her steady breathing grew more labored
as he unveiled her near nudity. Another shiver crossed her as he
pushed the soft straps from her shoulders, letting the entire
garment flutter to the floor. Left standing in her own panties,
growing wetter while her husband filled her mind with fantasies,
she could barely get the next sentence out. “Eleven minutes to get
home…six, if you floor it. We don't even have go to the
    “Such an awful long time to wait.”
Corin dipped his head low, kissing a trail of heat down the
sensitive curve of her neck. He cupped her breasts, lifting them to
meet his questing mouth. When his lips circled the delicate tip of
her nipple, she forgot what she'd been protesting. He crossed to
the other breast, his hot tongue laving a path of sensuality she
felt straight through her toes.
    She walked her fingers over his strong
shoulders, reveling the way in which his movements made the muscles
flex. “We're going to get caught,” she murmured, no longer sure who
she was trying to convince.
    The angelic part of her brain reminded
her of the other shoppers and salespeople milling around the store.
The little devil, however, the one enjoying the way Corin
alternately licked her nipples to heated points, strongly implied
the risk would be worth it.
    The sound of women's laughter drifting
into the dressing room a moment later snagged and held Jasmine's
attention. She patted Corin's back, a signal he understood based on
the way his shoulders slumped with resignation. “Eleven minutes,”
he whispered. “You have an additional four to get dressed.
Otherwise I'm dragging you out in whatever you're wearing.” His
eyes twinkled with humor.
    “No worries there. I can envision me
in a fireman's carry as you hustle us through the mall.” He’d do
it. No doubt.
    “At least you know enough to take me
seriously,” he said. A quick kiss swiped over her lips. “Move
    “You move it,” she called to his back.
Corin went to the door, cracking it open a sliver. He peered into
the gap. Jasmine smirked and said, “Go get the car. Let me just pay
for this, and I'll be out in a sec.”
    With the grace of a warrior, he
slipped out of the dressing room, then pulled the door closed
behind him. Breath held, face scrunched, Jasmine waited for the
sounds of women’s shrieking or someone in a chest-pain panic as a
brute of a man strolled out of the area. When no general mayhem
became apparent, Jasmine scooped the discarded lingerie from the
carpeted floor. It only took a moment to then quickly dress in her
print top and knit pants.
    If Corin said he'd be back in four
minutes, he meant exactly that. After their brush with death
because of the imaginings of a billionaire vampire with dominance
on his mind, Corin had tightened his protective circle around
Jasmine. Finally, months later—after a lot of work and a relatively
quiet existence—she'd gotten him to relax his stranglehold. No way
was she giving him a reason to start going all He-Man again. But
just because he allowed her a little breathing room didn’t mean she
didn’t relish more. Some days, she missed being a single woman, if
only it meant not having Corin worry and hover. Some days, his
attention threatened to drown her.
    She hated that he remained constantly
at vigil, always looking at everyone and everything around them
with suspicion. He didn’t trust her to be near strangers and
trusted no one who came close. Made making friends difficult.
Making friends among vampires, even more impossible. She loved her
husband dearly, but for once, she wanted just a little
    Jasmine released an audible sigh,
blowing away the frustration. It didn't matter. Corin could be
nothing other than her big, strong protector, and she'd simply have
to let him.
    After a final glance around the
dressing room, she grabbed the babydoll and her purse. The door
swung away easily, and when Jasmine stepped outside, a woman
hustling down the

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