Hunger Aroused

Hunger Aroused by Dee Carney

Book: Hunger Aroused by Dee Carney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Carney
the strange surroundings, to the feel of a warm body against her back. Moonlight spilled into the room through an open window, providing just enough light to see.
    Their fingers were threaded like lovers—only she remembered now that as intimate as they’d been, lovers wasn’t quite the word that fit.
    She twisted to look at Corin. He didn’t awaken despite her movement, and that made her eyebrows furrow. His eyelids fluttered, his jaw audibly grinding as something in his sleep distressed him. When he groaned, a long mournful sound, his fingers tightened around hers.
    â€œCorin?” she whispered. Something told her that if she pulled him out of his dream too quickly, there’d be hell to pay. She repeated his name a little louder when he flung his head back, missing the headboard by a scant inch. “Corin!”
    His eyelids flew open, his gaze unseeing as his lip curled back, baring awesome incisors at her. He growled low as he stared, causing the hair to rise on the back of her arms. Jasmine dared to use her tongue to moisten her lips, and he tracked the motion. “You awake, sleepy head?” she asked slowly.
    Her heart skipped a few beats, but she didn’t risk pulling away from him or showing any sign of fear. He struggled to come fully alert, and his initial confusion seemed wrong somehow. As if he otherwise awoke clear-headed and ready to face the day. What she saw now was the final grasp of sleep holding on to him, struggling to keep him caught between the place of subconciousness and awareness.
    When at last his lip lowered, she saw the recognition come into his softened gaze.
    He squeezed her hand before releasing it. “Memories.”
    â€œThey must have been something else.”
    â€œIt doesn’t matter. That time is past.”
    â€œYour breathing—”
    â€œVampires don’t need to breathe. It’s habit from my old life.”
    â€œBut are you okay?”
    â€œDid I talk in my sleep?”
    â€œNo. You just—”
    â€œGood. Then I’m not as thoughtless as others.” He stifled a yawn.
    â€œHey wait—what is that supposed to mean?” Jasmine shoved his shoulder.
    â€œDon’t blame me if you talk in your sleep.”
    â€œI do not!”
    â€œIf you say so.” His skeptical tone implied otherwise.
    â€œBite me.”
    He laughed then, a deep, dark chuckle that made her stomach flutter. How could a single sound be so incredibly sexy? Perhaps going back to the original problem at hand was in order. “So the memories were bad?”
    â€œArrogant butthead. You’re so close-lipped.”
    He wasn’t paying attention, instead studying the outline of her breast. When his gaze moved lower, almost palpable enough to pry her legs apart, a flush crept over her skin. “How’s your heat?” he murmured before dropping a kiss on her shoulder.
    She snorted in startled laughter. “I don’t think it’s my heat we have to worry about here.”
    â€œAre you sure?” He nuzzled her neck, his lips sweeping against her skin. Each caress resulted in her nipples hardening. “My gods, Jasmine, I would take you again if we had the time.”
    â€œWhat’s the hurry?” She kept her voice husky.
    â€œDon’t tempt me, woman.” His erection thumped against her thigh.
    â€œI’d say it’s too late for mere temptation.”
    Corin blew out a breath. “If you’ll be okay for a little while, we really do have to go. There are questions I need answers to.”
    Questions about her, she assumed. A clear image formed in her mind that in two days this would all end. The reality of it slapped her, a painful blow and reminder that despite all outward appearances, she lived in a nightmare.
    Disheartened, she wondered what he could possibly need to know now. Instead of asking though, Jasmine scooted herself to the edge

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