Hung: A Badboy Romance

Hung: A Badboy Romance by Carolyn Cruise Page A

Book: Hung: A Badboy Romance by Carolyn Cruise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Cruise
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cartoon-sized Bambi eyes glinting with excitement as she smiles at him across the large dining table, laughing at whatever crappy joke he’s just made.
    I remember the name he mentioned as he greeted me at the door. Casey . No doubt another one of those Top 100 Sexiest girls, he’s just waiting to tick off his list.
    “I’m so glad you blew off Leo for me, Casey,” he grins at her. “And I promise I’ll make it worth your while ...”
    As I approach the table, I keep my eyes on Colt, willing him with every fiber of my being to look up at me. But to my frustration and horror, he doesn’t even acknowledge me with a single solitary glance.
    Asshole .
    I place down the plates carefully on the table, barely resisting the urge to throw them square at the fucking wall, and all the while waiting for him to say something, anything to me.
    But instead he simply fixes his burning blue eyes on Casey and says, “You look wonderful tonight, by the way ...” 
    Somehow, I manage to keep it together through all three courses of the meal. Mostly I’m just hid away in the kitchen, wearing this stupid, humiliating apron, imagining Colt and Casey’s phony date going on back there in the dining room, wondering why the hell I’m still even here .
    I mean, why haven’t I just walked out by now?
    Even without all the stuff that’s gone on between us, this is still pretty humiliating, right?
    Who the fuck asks their PA to do this ?!
    Only someone as sadistic as Colt Grayson, and I’m forced to continue serving them, until finally, with a sigh of relief, I’m carrying their coffees through, by now not expecting any acknowledgement from either of them as I place the delicate bone-china cups and saucers on the table. As I’m turning to leave, relieved to finally be getting the hell out of there, I just can’t seem to hold my tongue any longer. I’ve just got to say something .
    “If that will be all, Mr Grayson,” I say coldly, “I think I’ll be leaving now ...”
    I turn to go, my whole body trembling with anger and indignity as I march quickly out of the dining room and towards the front door.
    To my surprise I hear a voice behind me, calling out.
    “Stacey, wait .”
    I spin around to face him.
    “Wait for what, Colt?” I spit back, trembling with rage. “Do you need me to stay here until I’ve watched you seal the deal , too? Come on. It’s totally obvious. I’ve seen the way she’s looking at you back there. I know you’re gonna fuck her tonight. But why the hell are you fucking with my head, too? Why am I even here? ”
    He takes a few steps towards me, until he’s only inches away, close enough for me to smell the spicy musk of his cologne.
    “What do you even think is going on between us, Stacey?” he growls, his so voice low and intense it sends a shiver right through me. 
    “I- I don’t know,” I stammer back, my head spinning.
    “You know just as well as I do that what went on between us was wrong ,” he whispers. “It just can’t go any further. And you know I’m gonna see other people, too. So right now I need you to remain professional. You’re my PA, remember? Not my fucking girlfriend .”
    “Well, that’s where you’re wrong,” I snap back.
    “What?” he says confused.
    “I’m not your PA, Colt. Not any more.”
    And with this, I yank off the apron and drop it on the floor between us.
    “Oh and one more thing? Go fuck yourself,” I add, before turning and storming out of the house, managing somehow to hold off the floods of tears that are just waiting to erupt until I finally hear the door slam closed behind me.
    “You okay there, love?”  a British voice calls out to me, and as I look up through a blur of tears, I see that a black cab has pulled right up curb, just a few meters from me, the window wound down and the friendly ruddy face of the driver smiling out at me.
    I don’t hesitate to jump inside, and in the few remaining moments before I tell him where I’d

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