Howl of the Wolf (Heirs to the Throne Book 1)
“We all possess special abilities, enhanced by multiple Transfers.  Our talents relate to skills perfected during past spans.”
    “She’s powerful and diverse, due to experiences on different planets.  She could be a powerful weapon against Jarrack.”
    Donovan’s face reddened.  “I won’t use Krystal as a weapon or put her into jeopardy.  That’s Institute thinking and I won’t have it here.”           
    “We have little choice.  Jarrack is dangerous to Krystal’s mental health.  He caused her nightmares.”  Dr. Alexander slumped into a chair.  “If he gains control over Krystal’s mind, he won’t fail to use her powers against us.”
    “I’ll kill him if he touches her again!”  Donovan growled.
    “I wish I’d examined that man when given the chance.”  Dr. Alexander rubbed his forehead and looked beaten.
    “You’d be dead.  We all know Jarrack had orders to kill you.”  Donovan thought about the situation for a moment.  “We need an edge, since we can’t use technology on this world.  Determine which special talents our people possess, and we’ll practice using them.  Our lives could depend on flexibility, awareness, and perhaps a little magic—or what would pass for magic on this planet.  Compile a report on the crew.” 
    Donovan swept out of the lab.  Marching down the corridor, he felt invigorated, stronger, and more vital than ever before—a nice side effect of Transfer.  He gazed at Krystal, asleep in her cabin.  Golden curls spread out from Krystal’s face on the sleeping web, and firm breasts lifted seductively under a filmy garment that barely covered her body.  Arousal shot through his young body like an electric charge, hot blood pounding through his loins and hormones driving him to take her. 
    Closing the door, he leaned against the wall and cursed his teenage libido.  It won’t do!  I can’t act like a randy adolescent and make Krystal afraid of me.  I don’t remember previous Transfers making feel this way.  Is this reaction caused by my feelings for Krystal?
    He considered the doctor’s information about enhanced abilities as he marched through the ship’s corridors.  Strength surged through his body.  Enjoying the sensation, he clicked off memories of his staff, cataloguing special abilities he’d previously ignored.  Yes, they all possess special talents.  Good!
    As he entered the bridge, surprised crewmembers turned to face him.  Donovan said, “Don’t look shocked, I’m perfectly fit.  Give me an update on ship’s status, the search for Jarrack, and any contact from the inhabitants of Drako.”
    The bridge crew scurried to obey orders.  Pleased that his officers reacted to his commands without question, he scrutinized their faces.  Are there others like Jarrack?  Who might wait in disguise to turn against us?  I’ll review all personnel files for potential spies.

7 ~ Landing on Drako
    Jarrack dropped the heavy backpack and sipped tepid water from a water bottle.  Unaccustomed to strenuous activity, his muscles cramped and his lungs burned.  Bending down to rub a knotted calf muscle, he stared down at the ship, nestled in a box canyon surrounded by cliffs.  Damn you, Krystal!  Damn you, Donovan!  You’ve ruined everything!
    He violently kicked a stone and watched it bounce down the hillside as he deliberately calmed his anger.  I can’t take time now, but I’ll find a way to crush Donovan and seize control of the ship’s hyperspace communications .  Studying the spaceport, Jarrack realized it would take a small army to accomplish the task. 
    Immediate survival depended on putting distance between himself and the ship.  Picking up the pack, he gritted his teeth against pain and continued climbing until he crested the summit.  The desert stretched from the foot of the mountain like an ocean of shimmering heat.  White tents stood in the shade of the mountain, but Jarrack

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