How to Catch Butterflies

How to Catch Butterflies by Samantha Fontien Page B

Book: How to Catch Butterflies by Samantha Fontien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Fontien
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take they’re order.
“Actually I’m more of a ‘Club Havana girl’,” she replied in her smooth tones making eye contact with the bartender, slightly flirting with him. Of course she was a jack’s girl but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of being right.
Chris having seen the bartender being mesmerized by her glance quickly snapped him out of her bewitching gaze and asked for; “Two Club Havana’s.” The bartender nodded.
In seconds two drinks were duly served on to two high quality paper coasters. She found he was incredibly charming very entertaining and very easy on the eye.
“So you like Floyd?” He enquired.
‘Like Floyd?’ She thought. ‘I’ve only had the best sex in my life to Floyd’ she laughed to herself.
“Yes I do, I have all their albums.”
“And the T- shirt,” he laughed. “I like them myself. I have some original artwork by Storm Thorgerson so I do like your T-shirt”. He smiled at her pointing to her T-shirt.
They had just finished their drinks when Lucy looked at her watch declaring she had to go.
Being the gentleman Christopher escorted her to the door that she had left him by two weeks earlier. As they made their way to the exit, he asked ‘ if he could drive her home. Seeing there was no taxi in sight’.
Lucy declined pointing out that he ‘ had a drink ‘. He offered to wait with her until a taxi cab would arrive. He tried to make idle chit chat thinking all he really wanted to do was to kiss her again. Much to his bad luck, as he would call it, a black taxi cab arrived as if on cue.
He knew time was running out, she was getting ready to open the door of the taxi that he knew he’d miss his last opportunity if he didn’t take it.
He gently grabbed her hand as she reached for the handle, and spun her around into his arms. He pressed his lips to hers, lingering until she openly kissed him back.
At one point he had nearly felt her arms rise as to embrace him and he was left stunned when she turned and jumped into the Taxi saying;
“Goodnight Christopher Harper.” Then she was gone into the night.
He stood there shaking his head as his hand held the back of his neck mesmerized by her.
He still didn’t even know the minx’s name . Putting his hands in his pockets, he walked to his car got in and drove home thinking; ‘ Twice this ‘Cinderella’ had eluded him .’

Chapter 11

During that long month of Lucy’s and George’s break-up, Rebecca spent many nights with Lucy over the weeks. Jason was away on overseas business. Rebecca greatly admired Lucy’s attitude to life in every way. She seemed perfectly ok with ‘life without George’. In fact she was out constantly she even joked to Lucy that she felt like she had to book an appointment with her.
Yes Lucy looked and acted pretty much like she was over him and more power to her.
“How do you do it?” She asked.
“I keep myself busy. That’s how and its easier now that he seems to have got the message by not harassing me at work.”It had secretly killed her telling him to ‘ fuck off’ and knowing he desperately wanted to talk.
She knew she would have caved in if she had listened to him. She had to shut him out, block him out completely.
“I build a wall so that no one can hurt me. I shouldn’t have let him in, no one will hurt me like that again,” she continued. “I know I may sound hard, but I have to be ....maybe to convince myself,” she said under her breath and then trailed off deep in thought.
“Well either way Lucy, you look like you’re having a ball. Met anyone of interest yet?”
Lucy could only think of Christopher Harper since meeting him and those kisses, she nodded her head with a little knowing smile.
“So what happened? How did you meet him? Rebecca asked.
Lucy explained the Deb’s and Sarah had seen him at the gig. OMG how embarrassing the girls were actually pointing at him and how he had caught them. They had no shame those two. She roared laughing.

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