How Sweet It Is
she’d planned to quit in a few weeks
anyway, she was now out needed wages. Delphine hated the idea of
dipping into the rapidly dwindling loan money to get by until her
shop opened, but had no choice unless she could get another
job…that lasted two or three weeks. Who’d want to hire someone for
such a short time?
    Once again, Delphine experienced an impotent
surge of anger at the grip money held over her life.
    The nap hadn’t helped restore her energy and
her limbs felt leaden. After coming home from the bakery, she’d
attempted escape in sleep. To make matters worse, she’d had another
dream. In this one, Brad and his blonde wife had brought over their
equally blonde child for her to babysit while they went on a
romantic weekend getaway.
    Frowning, she looked in her mirror to check
her appearance. Shadows under her eyes and a wan cast to her
complexion told of too little sleep and too much worry.
    She let out a sigh and quickly brushed her
hair, noticing it still felt damp from her shower after work. She
decided to change into a pretty lavender sundress embroidered with
a darker shade of purple thread in hopes of improving her mood.
Slipping on a pair of leather sandals and smoothing down the front
of her dress, she entered the living room.
    Her heart gave a traitorous
lurch when she saw Brad. He looked so handsome, especially the way
he smiled when he saw her. He wore a blue shirt that exactly
matched his eyes, along with khaki shorts and rafting sandals. She
narrowed her eyes slightly, checking his left hand for any sign of
a ring. Stupid dream!
    Her mother stepped toward her. “My dear,
tonight let us eat together before you two run off and work on that
    For the first time, Delphine noticed the
redolent aroma of her mother’s cooking.
    Brad spoke up. “Your mom tells me she’s been
working on dinner all afternoon.”
    Delphine saw the mute appeal in his eyes. She
relaxed a little. Brad was still unmarried since the last time
she’d seen him, despite her dream, and if it took chocolate and
French cooking to keep him by her side, she wanted to enjoy his
    She glanced around the small
room. “And where is Papa? ”
    “He’s not feeling well and is resting.” She
raised her hand as Delphine turned toward his bedroom. “Stay here,
Delphine. I assure you I have just checked on him. He’s only
feeling a trifle under the weather.”
    Her mother waved her into the kitchen. Brad
was close behind. As she entered the kitchen, Delphine made a
mental note to check on him after dinner.
    In the kitchen she was surprised to find the
humble dinette table adorned with a pretty lace tablecloth and
    “ Maman , you have outdone
    Her mother gave a complacent
smile. “Be seated mes
enfants , and I will serve you
    After Brad pulled out a chair for her, he sat
at the table, rubbing his hands together. Delphine had to smile at
his anticipation.
    The dinner was wonderful.
Despite tight finances, her mother had managed well. They dined
on Langue de boeuf sauce ravigote with a colorful salad and fresh-baked country French bread.
After dinner, once the plates were cleared away, Clarice placed a
large chocolate raspberry torte in the middle of the table. Brad’s
eyes widened with obvious relish.
    When she sliced the torte and put a piece on
a plate for Brad, Delphine took a deep breath. “None for me, thank
    Her mother looked surprise.
“But, ma cherié ,
this is one of your favorites. I made it for you especially.” She
placed a plate in front of Delphine.
    Delphine sensed Brad’s shocked gaze upon her.
How could she explain? She didn’t want to make her mother feel left
out since she wasn’t supposed to have sweets. To her dismay, she
watched her mother slice a piece for herself and begin eating
    “ Maman ,” she said in a low voice.
    The older woman looked back at her with a
smile. “Do eat yours. It’s delicious.”
    “It’s incredible,”

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