How (Not) to Fall in Love
don’t think you’ve achieved level three on the Bella skills barometer, Shaker Girl,” he teased. “I’d better make it myself.”
    “Those are fighting words, Martinez. Come on, give me a chance.”
    He raised an eyebrow. “Somebody’s feisty today. All right. Show me what ya got.”
    Ha. If he only knew what I’d like to show—
    A loud crash echoed around the store, followed by the sound of hundreds of tiny bouncing beads skittering across the wooden floor.
    “What the—” Lucas spun toward the noise. A tiny dark head popped up, then back down.
    “Pickles? What did you do? What are you doing in here?” Lucas barked. He was next to her in a flash. I was right behind him.
    Her frightened face made me step protectively between them. “It’s okay. It was an accident. I’ll clean it up.” I had no idea how I was going to retrieve all those beads, but I’d figure that out later.
    The tea drinkers set their mugs on the table and left quickly.
    “You knew she was in here?” Lucas looked surprised and slightly pissed off.
    I crossed my arms defensively. “Yes, of course.” I glanced down at the tiny girl sandwiched next to me. “Necklace-making one-oh-one. Today was our first class.”
    Pickles stuck out her tongue at her brother.
    Lucas leaned back on his heels, his narrowed eyes taking us both in. “Well, pardon me, ladies.” He leaned over and righted the table. “I thought my little sister was helping Charlie organize socks by color. Like she promised.” He shot her a dark look. “She forgot to tell me she had other plans.”
    “Lucas, don’t be mad,” I pleaded. She was so adorable I didn’t want her to be in trouble. “She’s fine. We were having a great time together.”
    He looked at me doubtfully, pinning me with those hypnotic eyes.
    “Really,” I insisted. “Pickles and I have a lot in common.”
    He cocked an eyebrow. “Like what?”
    “You wouldn’t understand,” I told him. “It’s girl stuff.”
    “Yeah,” agreed Pickles. “Girl stuff. Go ’way Lukie. I’m staying with my friend.”
    Lukie was not amused. “You made a huge mess, Pickles. You need to help us clean it up.”
    “I’ll help. You go.” Pickles fumed.
    Choosing to steer clear of the sibling love fest, I knelt to pick up the scattered tools, and wires…and the beads…so many beads. Lucas whispered something in Pickles’ ear. She stomped to the other side of the store and plopped onto a couch, chubby arms folded over her chest, as she glared at her brother.
    Lucas knelt next to me, looking contrite. “I’m sorry about the mess. And about Pickles being in here bothering you. She was supposed to stay in the shop.” He took a breath. “I didn’t mean to get angry. I just freaked out when I realized she was here with you and I didn’t even know it. If anything happened to her…”
    “She’s great,” I said. “She can come in here anytime I’m working.” I paused. “Liz must love her, too.”
    Lucas nodded. “Yeah, totally. I’m sure that’s why she snuck over here. Liz fills her up with cookies and hot chocolate.”
    We piled my tools and wire on the table. “You make jewelry?” Lucas asked.
    I nodded.
    “Cool.” His gaze swept the floor. “This bead situation sucks. I’ll go get the broom.” He turned to glare at his sister. “Pickles, don’t move.”
    She stuck out her tongue again. “You not my boss,” she said, still glaring. “I like Darcy more dan Heather.” She looked at me, and then turned a frowning gaze to her brother. “Why don’t you like Darcy instead? You could kiss her instead of Heather.”
    “Pickles.” Lucas’s voice was low. “Don’t say another word.”
    I stood frozen with embarrassment as I imagined Lucas sweeping me into a passionate kiss while Heather and Pickles looked on.
    “Sorry, Darcy.” Lucas laughed and shook his head, keeping his eyes on his sister. “Sometimes she says stupid stuff. Don’t pay any attention to her.”
    The idea of

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