How Dark the Night

How Dark the Night by William C. Hammond

Book: How Dark the Night by William C. Hammond Read Free Book Online
Authors: William C. Hammond
Richard looked about him. He had last visited this inner compound sixyears ago, toward the end of the war with France when he was recovering from an injury incurred during the engagement between Constellation and the 40-gun frigate L’Insurgente . Everything appeared very much as it had back then. Two large one-story houses of brick and coral stone construction anchored the compound, one on the north side of the wide oval, the other directly opposite on its south side. Mahogany, tamarind, and myriad other kinds of trees and flowering shrubs provided abundant shade. Where sunlight was allowed to filter through, and on the periphery of the circle, well-groomed gardens of brightly colored plants pleased the eye. North of the compound sat the considerably smaller but still attractive homes of the plantation’s administrators, and beyond those, clusters of wood-and-stone dwellings for Negro and Creole slaves. Each cluster of dwellings was located near fruit and vegetable plots, the produce of which was shared among the slave families living there. Now, in the early afternoon, the able-bodied workers were out in the field; only the very young and very old were present, along with a smattering of teenage girls who were attending to them. Within the compound itself serenity reigned, save for the rustle of wind in the trees, the chirping of birds, and occasional snorts from the two horses that had pulled the carriage from Bridgetown.
    Before Richard and Katherine could dismount, the front door of the mansion on the south arc of the circle flew open and a woman’s voice cried out, “Oh, thank the Lord you’re here! You’re really here!”
    Katherine pushed open the door on her side of the coach, saw herself out, and flew toward the woman rushing toward her. They came together under the glossy green leaves of a banyan tree, falling into each other’s arms, laughing, pulling apart to look at each other, and then clasping each other tightly again. Richard, meanwhile, paid the driver and began arranging the baggage in several piles. Julia Cutler motioned him over with her hand. When he came up to her, grinning hugely, she released Katherine and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him in close. As her face touched his, he felt damp tears on her cheek.
    â€œWelcome,” she said, smiling. She swiped at her eyes with her sleeve. “Welcome indeed! You both look absolutely tip-top. My goodness, Katherine, I can’t believe that after all these years and all you’ve been through, you still look the radiant bride!”
    â€œFor the joy of seeing you again,” Katherine said, stepping back for a long look at Julia. “And you’re still ‘the voluptuous belle of Barbados,’ as Robin used to call you.”
    â€œOh, posh,” Julia laughed, her Scottish brogue bursting through. “Enough of that! We must get you properly settled right away. You willbe staying in the West Room in John and Cynthia’s house. I’m sure you remember it fondly,” she added with a meaningful laugh.
    Katherine sighed with happiness at the thought of being once again in the room where she and Richard had stayed as newlyweds and where Richard had stayed during every visit to Barbados since.
    â€œI do so wish you could stay with Robin and me,” Julia continued, “but John insists, and as the elder brother he always gets his way. We shall be seeing each other often throughout the day, of course, and every evening we shall all gather for supper. Katherine, you and I will take our first ride just as soon as you unpack and change. There is so much to show you! I’ve been planning our route for months! Charles will see to your baggage, so please leave everything just where it is and come inside.” Richard looked back at the luggage and saw that the compound’s major domo was already directing servants to carry it inside. Julia’s joyous laugh brought his attention

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