Housebound Dogs

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Authors: Paula Kephart
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cause long-term behavior problems.

    When investigating a doggie day care, be sure that each dog has his own midsize personal space complete with a bed and a few of his favorite toys

Accommodating a Housebound Dog
    Aside from arrangements you can make to cut down on the number of hours your dog is alone, there are other important decisions to make. What accommodations will you provide for your dog while you are out? Will he be confined or free? How will he relieve himself if he has to urinate? Read on for solutions.
Creating a Dog “Room”
    Many dogs love their crate. They use it as their private retreat, a hide-away for a nap or to gnaw on a favorite toy. But even a well-trained, crate-loving, full-grown dog shouldn’t be kept in the crate for longer than 9 hours at a time, and most of us work longer hours than that.On the other hand, it’s risky to allow a dog the run of the house when she is not properly housebroken, when she is still in the chewing stage, or if she is generally rambunctious or mischievous. She could get into things that you’d rather have left alone, whether because they could harm her or because you’d rather not have them chewn to pieces, urinated on, or covered in dog hair.
    The best option is a compromise. Create an area of the house where the dog can hang out safely. Give her a space big enough that she can stretch out and walk around a little, but not necessarily an 8 x 10-foot room. Put a gate securely across the doorway so she can look out but not get out. Make sure the gate is too high for her to jump.
    If your dog is not housebroken or is prone to accidents, use an area that is not carpeted, if possible. If you must use a carpeted area, put down a heavy plastic runner or a tarp. Secure the edges so it will not pull up. Spread some newspapers in one corner if there is any possibility that your dog will need to relieve herself before you get home. There are even disposable pads you can buy specifically for this purpose. It’s also a good idea to make provisions for elimination if your schedule is such that you never know how long you’ll be away each day. Then you and your dog won’t have to worry if you’re delayed and she just can’t wait any longer.
    If your dog sleeps in a crate, put the crate in the room, too. But do so only if there is enough space for her to move around outside of the crate. Remove the crate door or secure it in an open position so that the dog doesn’t accidentally get locked in.
    Other items you should leave in the gated area include:
    A sturdy water dish filled daily with fresh water
    One or two of her favorite playthings
    A chew toy
    A kennel mat or a blanket for napping on
    But the Experts Say . . .
    Most experts say that dogs won’t and shouldn’t relieve themselves in the same area in which they sleep. In general, this is true. Most dogs won’t relieve themselves indoors unless they absolutely have to. But the reality is that you can’t always be there to take your dog outside when she needs to go. To be on the safe side, put down newpaper or a disposable pad in the area in which you’ve confined the dog, as far from her water dish and bed as possible. Rest assured that she won’t use it unless she absolutely needs to.

    Leave your dog’s favorite snoozing bed in the gated area. The familiar scent and texture will comfort him during his time alone
Providing Food and Water
    It is usually not necessary to leave food for your dog while you are out. Generally, dogs need to eat only twice a day. However, water is absolutely essential to canine health and should be available to your dog at all times. Never leave your dog without any water.
Alleviating Boredom
    It doesn’t take long to learn that when your dog is bored, he can inflict some serious damage on his surroundings by chewing and clawing on whatever is within reach. Happily, there are many ways to alleviate a housebound dog’s

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