House of Trent 01.5 - His for Christmas

House of Trent 01.5 - His for Christmas by Jennifer Haymore Page A

Book: House of Trent 01.5 - His for Christmas by Jennifer Haymore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Haymore
gasping from the overwhelming sensation.
    Completeness. Wholeness. Such happiness, and such pleasure. It was almost too much to bear. So Evan sank into the physical sensation of making love to the woman who would be his wife. Who would stand at his side for the rest of his life.
    He surged inside her again and again as his lips caressed hers, then moved to her cheek and jaw. She fit him like a tight, hot sheath. A perfect match to his body. And to his soul.
    The pleasure suffused him, through his bloodstream and his bones, until he felt it on his skin. She clutched him, making little mewling sounds of pleasure.
    When he came, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly and burying his face in her silky hair as he released inside her, mindless with the pleasure of experiencing this very deepest level of intimacy with the woman he loved. And a part of him registered the fact that she was coming too, just as overcome as he was.
    When his cock finally stopped contracting inside her, he had—just barely—the presence of mind to roll to the side so he wouldn’t smother her. He gathered her to him and pressed his lips to her forehead.
    “I love you,” he whispered. “I always have.”
    She squeezed her arms around him. “I love you, too, Evan. So much.”
    With the sweet truth of her words singing in his head, he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.
    *  *  *
    “Merry Christmas, my love.”
    Amelia sighed, letting the smile curl on her lips, but she didn’t open her eyes. She stretched in the circle of his arms, pressing her lips to his chest.
    “Merry Christmas,” she murmured, snuggling closer to his big body.
    The growing light of morning had seeped in through the curtains while they’d made love again. Now it was full daylight, but Evan had made no move to return to his own room. Nor did she want him to. Everyone already knew what had happened at the inn, so there really was no point in pretending anymore, was there?
    They lay there for several minutes, absorbing warmth and comfort from each other. Finally, Evan sighed. “I should go get dressed.”
    “It must be after nine,” Amelia said. “I’m sure my sisters are going mad with impatience. This is their favorite day of the year, after all, and they know I brought presents.”
    He chuckled.
    “Will you go downstairs with me?” she asked. She wanted to face her family and their guests with him at her side.
    “Yes,” he said. “Let’s dress, and I’ll meet you here afterward.”
    They were silent for a moment, then he said, “I’ll speak with your father today.”
    “Let’s both speak to him.”
    He stiffened. “Is that necessary? Do you think he’ll refuse?”
    “No.” Smiling, she pulled back to look in his face, knowing her happiness shone in her eyes. “But if he sees how happy I am at your side, he’ll be less tempted to.”
    He studied her for a long moment and finally nodded. “Then we’ll both speak to him.”
    She sighed happily. “It’s going to be a wonderful Christmas. My family is here and so is yours. We’ll all be together.”
    “Yes. Although,” he said, touching her nose with his fingertip, “soon it won’t be ‘my family and yours’—it’ll simply be our family.”
    *  *  *
    Half an hour later, Evan knocked on her door as Fanny was putting the finishing touches on Amelia’s hair. Amelia hurried to open the door.
    Evan’s gaze raked her body. “You look beautiful,” he said softly.
    She smiled. He looked handsome, too, in black trimmed with red velvet.
    “I have something for you,” he murmured.
    Amelia turned to Fanny and gave her a nod to dismiss her. After the maid left, Evan closed the door, then pulled Amelia deeper into the room. He stepped back, drawing a small, paper-wrapped package out of his pocket.
    “Merry Christmas, Amelia.”
    “What…? How did you have time…?”
    He smiled. “Just open it.”
    She did, peeling the paper open to reveal a ring with a large garnet flanked by two

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