Hour of Mischief

Hour of Mischief by Aimee Hyndman Page B

Book: Hour of Mischief by Aimee Hyndman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimee Hyndman
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seductive, but now it reminded me more of a beast stalking prey. I held my ground, though I desperately wanted to take a step back.
    “Why don’t we agree to one hour? Perhaps getting to know you a bit better might convince me to do as you ask.”
    “So that’s what you want, huh?” My voice came out cold but shakier than I would have liked.
    “I’m the God of Love after all.” Meroquio shrugged. “It’s what I’m best at. It’s what I do.”
    He was only a few feet from me now. His scent wafted over me again, as if in an attempt to lull me into submission.
    “Quite a few people would love to be in this position.”
    “Yes, I’m sure you have quite a selection of admirers,” I muttered. “So, why would you want me?” I hoped he might consider my undesirable qualities. My scarred shoulder. My flat chest. But he didn’t seem to care about any of that.
    I had interested him. Just as Laetatia said I should. I had hooked him in and now I couldn’t pry him off.
    “I don’t really need a reason,” Meroquio said. “And I figure, as long as you’re asking me to take such a risk, I might as well ask for a little something in return.” He raised his hand and traced his fingertips along my jawline in a way that sent tingling through my whole body. “But you’ll enjoy it. I hear I’m quite good at what I do. It would be unfortunate if I wasn’t.”
    Now he was right in front of me, looking down on me with lustful eyes. I still, miraculously, stood my ground, though my fists clenched so tight, I feared for the gears in my left hand. Gods, my legs were shaking. My chest was so tight I thought it might burst. Why? I wasn’t afraid of this god. I hated him, but I was not afraid. I’d faced so much worse than this. I’d faced prison for gods’ sake! I couldn’t be. . . .
    “So,” Meroquio crooned, snapping me from my thoughts. “Shall we?”
    Then he kissed me.
    A few days ago, if someone had told me my first kiss would be with the God of Love, I would have laughed in their face. Or I might have punched them. Either way, I wouldn’t have believed it. And yet here I stood, wide eyed and frozen, caught in the embrace of Meroquio himself.
    The kiss was raw. Passionate. Absolutely unlike anything I have ever experienced before, or ever
to experience. He claimed my mouth with an expertise I’m sure no one else in the world would match. He didn’t kiss too roughly, or too softly. It was just . . . right.
    Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to go along with what he wanted. It couldn’t be the worst thing in the world. And besides, wasn’t I doing all this to save my friends? If I didn’t manage to convince another god to help me, then the human race might never find out about the apocalypse and I would never see my friends released from jail. I had landed them in that god-forsaken prison. I had to get them out, no matter what the cost. If I had to give myself to Meroquio . . . well maybe I deserved to pay that price.
    I had to make myself do this. Accept this.
    Meroquio had backed me up against the wall during the kiss, completely without my knowledge, and just as my lungs were about to explode from lack of oxygen, he broke the kiss. I gasped for air, tilting my head to the side so I didn’t have to look into the entrancing green eyes of the God of Love again. To my dismay, my whole body now trembled with emotions I couldn’t properly discern.
    “There’s no need for you to be nervous, little human,” Meroquio murmured in my ear. “I am the God of Love after all. Love and pleasure.” My eyes widened as his soft lips grazed my jaw, just below my ear. I involuntarily shivered again. “I promise you have no reason to fear me. I’ll take good care of you tonight. Just relax.”
    His words washed over me like a soothing lullaby and my body
want to relax. I wanted to melt in his arms and let him carry me into a cloud of bliss. I wanted to give in to him. His touch, his lips, his voice, which ran

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