Hot Property (Irish romantic comedy)

Hot Property (Irish romantic comedy) by Susanne O'Leary

Book: Hot Property (Irish romantic comedy) by Susanne O'Leary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susanne O'Leary
    “Which is a good thing. It was probably not working very well.”
    “No,” Megan agreed. “So, how much would you say your work will cost?”
    He paused and looked at his list. “Hard to say. I have to do my sums and then see what the material will come to.”
    Megan groaned. “I understand all that, but how about a wild guess? You know, a ballpark figure?”
    “Hmm, yes…” He studied his list. “Well, let’s say around seven.”
    “What?” Megan shrieked. “Seven thousand euros?”
    He nodded “Yup, roundabout that.”
    “ Oh God.”
    “Yeah, well…” He stuck his biro behind his ear. “Okay, I might be able to squeeze it down to six and half.”
    “Oh, gee. Thanks,” Megan sighed.
    The plumber looked around the kitchen. “These old houses are expensive to do up. You’ll probably need a new kitchen. And I couldn’t help noticing that the whole house needs a good paint job inside and out and new gutters too. I’d sell the lot if I were you.”
    “So would I,” Megan sighed. “If I wasn’t mad enough to love it.”
    He looked at her with pity. “That kind of love leads to bankruptcy in the end.”
    “I know. When can you start?”
    “Next week.”
    ~ ~ ~
    “Why are you doing this?” Dan said when he phoned to ask her out. “I thought you said you were selling? You said—”
    Megan sighed and sat down on the sofa in Beata’s living room. “I know what I said. But that was before—”
    “Before what? Before you knew Pat was your real grandfather?”
    “Yes.” Megan lowered her voice and glanced into the deserted hall. “Please, Dan, don’t tell anyone about that. I want to keep it quiet. Don’t want those awful Quinn brothers to find out.”
    “Okay, won’t tell a soul. But, sweetheart, it’s crazy to spend all this money to do the house up. Why don’t you consider what I said? Sell it and buy a smaller place. Or at least sell the land.”
    “No!” Megan stood up. “Don’t ever say that again. Sell the land? It’s mine . It belongs to my family. It’s in my blood .”
    Dan sighed and laughed. “Such passion. Wish you were that hot for me.”
    “I am… I mean… I might be. Soon.” Megan knew what he meant. She had been holding back, trying not to get too close. If she did, she might get hurt, might get left again like the last time. Their kisses were hot, his sweet words so seductive and his body… Nearly aroused just thinking about being in his arms, feeling his hands on her skin, she pushed the thoughts away. “I’m sorry about that last time, Dan. But I explained.”
    “I know.” He paused. “Maybe we should take a break? Not see each other for a while? Give you space and time to think?”
    Megan hesitated. It wasn’t fair to behave like a teenager with him, letting it get so far each time and then pulling away. She had to make a decision. She hadn’t had sex in over a year. She needed it, wanted it. She felt warm all over when she thought of Dan. Why was this such a problem? “I—” she started. “No, I don’t want to take a break. I want… to get closer to you.”
      He was silent for so long she thought he had hung up. Then he coughed. “Oh? That sounds like good news. So… how about tonight? You’re free?”
    “Yes,” she whispered.
    “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
    “Where are we going?”
    He laughed. “To somewhere very nice, I hope.”
    Megan hung up with a feeling she had crossed some kind of Rubicon.
    “Problems?” Beata walked in with a pile of logs for the fire.
    “No. Yes. Dan.”
    Beata piled the logs into the fireplace. “Not that again.” She turned around. “Please, Megan, It’s boring. Sleep with him if you want. Or don’t. Your problem, not mine. Just don’t ask what I think you should do a hundred times a day. You don’t listen to what I say, anyway.”
    “I won’t mention it again. I’m seeing him tonight. Have no idea what’s going to happen.”
    Beata winked.

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