Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series)

Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series) by Sarah Jane Hartgrove

Book: Hot Nights in Savannah (Hot Summer Series) by Sarah Jane Hartgrove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Jane Hartgrove
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Chapter 1
    Stephanie needed this
break.  She was so burnt out on her career as a teacher and she only been in
the classroom 2 years.  A long weekend getaway by herself in Savannah, Georgia
was the cure. 
    She loved teaching
children.  She loved the age group she had.  3 rd graders were still
eager to please their teachers but independent enough to not need her every
time she turned around.  Stephanie was frustrated with all the meetings,
paperwork, testing, and changes that were taking place with the curriculum
(most she didn’t agree with).  Being a new teacher, she didn’t feel it was her
place to voice her opinion just yet on how much she disagreed with the
decisions being made.  So Stephanie kept her mouth shut and trudged along.  
And now the school year was over. Finally!
    Stephanie thought over
her 2 nd year of teaching as she basked in the sun on Tybee Beach.  She
didn’t want to dwell on it so she put her ear buds in and tuned in to her
favorite music station on her iphone.  She loved R&B music.   It was sexy
and made her feel things she rarely, if ever, experienced in real life. 
    Looking up and down the
beach, she was the only person that was a “single”.  Every group was either a
family enjoying vacation, a couple having a day in the sun, or a group of
friends hanging out. 
    “Well all my friends
are married and don’t need a 3 rd wheel,” she mumbled under her
breath.  Not that she was upset about being alone.  Stephanie made a choice to
come here alone.  She needed the serenity of being at peace with her thoughts
and dreams.  After her break up with her longtime boyfriend, she needed this
time by herself. 
    Where to start with
Jeffery?   He was arrogant, spoiled, and just plain mean.  Not in a physical
way. He never hurt her with his hand.   It was always with his mouth.  Jeffery
was always cutting her with his words and it felt just like a knife.  Most
people looking at him thought he was a great catch.  Stephanie knew otherwise. 
    She and Jeffery began
dating just before her graduation from college and their relationship had been
off and on for two years.  Jeff was always compensating for what he was lacking
in: a dick.  Jeffery was small and not in height.  Not that Stephanie slept
around to know the average size of men but she knew from her newly married
friends that he was not well endowed in the least bit.  And their relationship
wasn’t based on bad sex.  It was his bad attitude as well.   Stephanie finally
had enough of the criticisms, rude remarks about everything, and him in general
that she broke things off for good and headed down south for some hot sun. 
    Tired of lying on the
beach, Stephanie decided to cool off in the blue Atlantic Ocean.  She took her
ear buds out and tucked her iPhone in her bag.  Walking to the crashing waves, she
caught a glimpse of a group of men throwing a football.  One man stood out from
the rest.  He had dark brown hair, trimmed stubble on his chiseled chin and
squared jaw, and icy blue eyes that caught hers as she was walking to the
water.  He radiated Alfa male and had a body to die for. Stephanie quickly
looked away from his sexy stare.  She was not here for a man.  She was here for
herself.   Or so she thought. 
    Swimming out in the
ocean was such a relief.  Stephanie felt that she was washing all her worries,
cares, and stressors away as the waves crashed over her body.  She swan until
she was out far enough that the waves weren’t breaking.  Bobbing in the blue
water was like bobbing though life. So she let her body drift with the current
of the ocean.   She wished life was this easy.  Instead, it was like fighting
the waves all the time lately.  Her stress was already melting away in the
sea.    Stephanie was beginning to feel like a new woman.  Coming to Savannah
alone was the best decision she had made for herself. 

    Chapter 2
    Brian enjoyed throwing
a football on the beach with

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