Hot for Pepper

Hot for Pepper by Emily Ryan-Davis Page A

Book: Hot for Pepper by Emily Ryan-Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Ryan-Davis
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frustration with a punching bag. Some measure of civility still lingered in the back of his mind and he’d turned to the pool instead.
    Mitch broke the water and sucked fresh air into his lungs. Yeah, some things were long overdue an ending. His policy of avoiding Pepper Eaves was at the top of the list. Years continued to pass him by and his attraction to her failed to fade. Hell, the loopy slant of her handwriting on the invitation he’d received months earlier had been enough to tighten his balls.
    As a man who worked for a living, and worked hard, Mitch didn’t deny many of his wants. At first, he’d denied himself Pepper because she was too young. Eighteen to his twenty-four when he’d first allowed himself to think of her as more than a child.
    Later, denied himself because she seemed to prefer him at a distance. She feared him. He needed to know why, needed a chance to alleviate her fears and needed to know whether she could ever be his woman instead of Carlton’s daughter or Andrew’s stepsister. Or some faceless man’s wife.
    Mitch blew droplets of water from his lips and shook his hair out of his eyes. Extended leave between assignments had resulted in his military-grade cut growing shaggy. He shoved his hair back from his face and turned, prepared for another lap, only to discover he was no longer alone.
    As if thinking her name had conjured her, the strawberry-blonde lady of Hallsford stood at the far end of the pool. She clutched a thick blue terrycloth robe around her slim figure. The deep color emphasized the paleness of her skin and highlighted her freckles. Mitch forced himself to breathe evenly as a new kind of aggression replaced the lingering remnants of his earlier anger.
    “Evening.” Mitch inclined his head in greeting. Slowly, not hiding his interest anymore, he examined the length of her body. The thick terrycloth obscured her hips, waist and breasts, but he knew her shape. Pepper had never thought to close her curtains and Mitch…well, he knew how to take advantage of a good view.
    Her shins peeked between the edges of her robe. Bare knees, a glimpse of thigh as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
    “Hello. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Pink-tipped toes curled with the syllables, her drawl soft and full of the South. “There’s usually nobody here this time of night.”
    While she worried the belt of her robe, Mitch planted his feet on the floor of the pool and wedged his shoulders back against the edge. Christ, he wished he didn’t want her as much as he did. He forced his focus back to her face and found her looking around for a way out.
    “I got in about forty minutes ago,” he said before she could escape.
    Pepper stared at the arched doorway that stood between her and somewhere to hide. If Mitch hadn’t been watching closely, he would have missed the telltale rise and fall of her shoulders as she reached a decision.
    She turned back to him and said simply, “Welcome home.”
    “Thanks.” He pushed away from the wall and made his way to her end of the pool, walking the length of the lane instead of swimming. He had a feeling if he dove long enough to swim to her, she’d vanish.
    She nodded and cinched the robe’s belt tighter. “Did you find everything all right?”
    “The cleaning staff has stored guest toothbrushes in the same place for probably thirty years.” He gripped the edge of the pool and tilted his head back, meeting her eyes. Giving her the advantage of dominant position even though he knew she would never think to consider it an opportunity for control. “You don’t have to play hostess to me. I know the routine.”
    “It’s habit. Anyway, I’ll let you get back to your swim.” She pivoted, her second attempt to make a break for it.
    Mitch stifled a curse. He had no experience with gentling skittish creatures and Pepper was the most flight-prone person he’d ever met. Not for the first time, he wondered why he wanted a woman who was

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